Scene 41

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An intense face rose a foot and paused. Another foot and a pause. A few more and he was towering over her at the top of the ladder that he had climbed to get to the loft.

Her nerves would not let her sit, so she stood there as he approached. It felt like a powerful stance until he invaded her space and dwarfed her with both his size and his intent.

"You're confident in that shot you got before you came?"

One of the strict mandates of this assignment was that she would get birth control that could not be removed or interrupted throughout her stay here. They discussed an implant, but either a IUD or one that would go in her arm could be detected and removed. Pills could be interrupted.


"We don't have to," he sighed and reached for the side of her face. "We can..."

"No. Just stop," she interrupted his advance and leaned to close the gap between the much softer skin of her face and his rough palm, pressing into his open hand. "I want this," she said with a deep exhale. Her confession laid bare in their conversation. "It doesn't have to be ideal, it doesn't have to make sense. You can write it off as whatever you want but hear me out. I want you, like this, right now. If you don't want to, then yes, we'll try something else."

His fingers curled to accommodate the curve of her jaw, cherishing the quiet intimacy between them.

"I... it's going to be hard to hold back..."

"Then don't." Her eyes raised to his, confident in her challenge. She didn't know if this was the correct decision, or if this was justified, warranted, whatever. What she was sure about was that she wanted him. Now.

In a smooth movement, his lips pressed against hers. Soft and searching, he pressed forward and parted hers. Of all the things they've done together, this was their first kiss. Just for them. This wasn't to leave evidence for potential onlookers.

But also, no excuses to operate under. No saying that this is for the clan. No denying their need for each other.

Pushing his way into her mouth, his lips became tighter and demanding. The gentle waves were replaced by demands. His hands gripped her shoulders, and he walked her backwards until the bed knocked against the back of her knees.

Interrupting his intrusion with a smile, he broke away and lowered her so she was sitting on the edge. He dropped to his knees, between her own, now eye-level with her. A shove and her legs spread wide for him before he lowered himself even further.

He wasted no time. A burst of electricity careened through her body when he flattened his tongue and lapped up her precious bundle of nerves. A growl reverberated from his chest, and she could not deny the power nestled between her thighs. Heat started everywhere he made contact and spread throughout her. It was getting uncomfortable, the more he worked her the higher her anxiety rose. But for the first time, she wasn't preoccupied with the mission or anything that came with it. When her fingers speared through his hair, feeling his head bob in unison with her pleasure, it was just him she was thinking of.

Her body responded to everything he did: His varied pace, his teasing and nipping, and when his finger slipped in she released her control and an orgasm racked through her.

Words had come out of her mouth, but she wasn't even sure what they had been. Probably desperate pleas in whatever language her mind went to. The tingling that had invaded her melted and she opened her eyes to find him removing articles of his clothing. His underwear slipped over his hips and dropped to the ground around his feet just as she pulled herself back across the mattress.

Emanuel's muscles flexed as he crawled over her and positioned his knees between her own, pushing them aside to make room for him again, this time for his lower half. His body hovered a few inches over hers when he paused, stiff and in position, but his advancements had stopped.

Isis: The E6 Breeder (Lycan Breeder Series Book No. 2)Where stories live. Discover now