Scene 31

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Long tan legs without a smidge of fat reached out from under a tailored skirt. The definition created a swell just above her knee and her calves sported a long valley along the length of them. Her suit, black and well fitted, covered a body that was changing. In the short amount of time that Rebecca had left the breeding program and began her training under Liam, she was losing classic slim features and was gaining in bulk. She had always been physically strong, but without trying to keep her figure within the standards the monks considered a requirement of her abandoned profession, she is able to put on more muscle.

Her vest cut down leaving a touch of cleavage. Feminine features poured out of her masculine clothing. Oh please. She was all woman: Powerful, sharp, and determined. Unwavering eye contact with any of the fighters and only dropping out of respect for rank. Fear would never cause her to lose focus.

Fashion for the female was in full swing. Apparently not having control over what you wore would leave you unaware of how you like to dress. From athleisure, to hippy, to business, to tactical; She has been seen in all kinds of clothing the past couple months. Interesting enough, she owned all her styles. She never looked out of place or awkward in her outfits.

Alpha Dominic, Rebecca, Liam, and Derek sat around the coffee table in the well-furnished office. The bar was left untouched; They had planning to do. This meeting should have been in the War Room, but there were complications. Rebecca is not welcome at the compound. It would be best to keep all males, even their alpha, away for just a little longer.

"What is our situation?" Dominic opened the meeting.

Derek took the lead. This is his mission. "The current Prez took over eight months ago and the clan shrank down to fifteen members through death or abandonment. The ones left are the real evil ones. They had been balanced out by the others, but once Prez Ralph took over and they started leaving, the depravity grew."

Liam laid out some charts printed on eleven by sixteen sheets of paper. From left to right, two lines cruised along evenly and about three quarters across took a steep climb up. "Here are the reports across this region of vandalism over the last two years." He pointed to another line that had the same pattern as the first before continuing. "And here are the missing wolves. There is a strong uptick two weeks after President Ralph was instilled. About a month after, the exodus started."

Dominic's golden eyes traveled across the graph then flipped open a file folder next to them. Two pictures per page, a humanoid and a wolf. Bright, young eyes stared back at him. Selfies, smiles, hair blowing in the breeze. They didn't have to be of his pack for him to recognize the potential of these shifters. Flipping page after page, a story that had been purely conceptual was becoming tangible. The nightmare was no longer limited to his imagination and was now in the real world with him where terrible things happened, and where he can also contribute to stopping it.

"So far, Emmanuel is telling the truth." Dominic looked up but kept the photos out. They needed to be there with them all. "Are we sure he's one of the good guys?"

"Madison was taken when the clan still had a mixture of morals. His reason for staying when others left seems likely." Derek answered.

"And Kento?"

"Loyalty and pack mentality don't run with instinct and magic through bears like they do with wolves. Even humans feel loyalty to each other when they shouldn't. It all seems plausible and likely."

Rebecca spoke up. Her smooth and high voice in contrast to the current deep ones grunting through the briefing. "Madison trusts Emanuel. She's no fool either. She appreciates him, but there is no particular attraction towards him that I can tell. And I'm pretty good at evaluating levels of attraction people feel."

Isis: The E6 Breeder (Lycan Breeder Series Book No. 2)Where stories live. Discover now