Scene Two

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The key is to not be too obvious. He needs to be more desirable than the "carcass" he is abandoning. If he bolts too quickly, his abandoned kill will look more tempting. If he's too slow, they'll investigate both him and what he is leaving behind.

Slinking through the tall grass, he needs to give the impression that he's trying to be unnoticed. Make just a little too much noise, move just a little too jumpy.

Sure enough, the approaching huffs stopped and the area that had been getting trampled by large paws was still. Doing what any good prey would do, he stopped and stupidly looked over to them. They would see a blood-stained muzzle, ears straight in the air and pointing towards them, and the telltale novice mistake of making eye contact before taking off into the trees.

All three large brown bodies came barreling after him. Perfect.

"Heading from the clearing at Spring's Creek towards Lafyette Ridge. Three bears in chase, two pack females taking cover in the clearing," Adrien linked Liam.

"Are you chasing them or are they chasing you?" was the reply.

"What do you think?" Adrien leapt over an old fence left over from when humans attempted to cultivate the area. They love using timber and metal to delineate their land from others. And the crazy thing is that it actually works for them.

The crashing from behind informed him that his pursuers were not adhering to the human rules of fencing, and found it faster to go through instead of over the barrier.

"One of the females is hurt bad," Adrien confessed.

"By a bear?"

Picking up the speed gave him a little more space between the three sets of jaws currently tracking him.

"Not exactly."

Was that really necessary? It worked, but could he have just taken off? Goddess he's going to have nightmares about how her flesh felt in his mouth.

"We're in position just before you get to Micah Bayou, near the bridge. You got this?" Liam asked.

Like the option of dying was an acceptable alternative if he didn't "got this".

"That's too far. They're getting clumsy. I don't think they'll follow me for much longer."

"We're heading towards you. Alpha Dominic is on the way, too."

Good. In lycan form that guy can take down all three of his pursuers no problem. The question is how long will it take him to get there?

The ground was higher than expected on the far side of a log. His weight landed before paws were in place and his legs gave way. Rolling to his side and then onto his feet, he immediately launched.

Immediate was too late.

Four claws swiped his hips, throwing him to the side and leaving gouges through his fur and flesh. Down again with another immediate push from his back legs. Except one leg wasn't pushing and he still wasn't quick enough.

Another swipe, more tears, and now his blood was added to his mate's blood on his fur.

Roars from near him and howls from the distance. He could take maybe two more hits before he was a goner. His team was close.

Deep huffs and bad breath surrounded him. The sharp scent of a mouth that has recently eaten wild game caused a revulsion in his system. Then again, that not-so-good feeling could have also been caused by the massive injuries to his hind quarters.

Teeth were now adding his flesh to their bouquet of gamey morsels. This time it was his shoulder that was attacked. He's down to one good leg and his head. If they don't get here soon, he's going to be nothing more than a wolf skin hacky sack.

Isis: The E6 Breeder (Lycan Breeder Series Book No. 2)Where stories live. Discover now