Scene 26

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The room was sparse with unfinished wood everything and a fire in the hearth. Isis eyed a branding rod that had been set off to the side with their alpha's insignia on it: The letters D and B, for Dominic Blanc. Not very original, but it got the message across. The heads of two other rods were buried in a pile of red coals. One had recently been used on a female, marking her as a breeder and would soon be used on Isis as well.

"Tell me about Sophia, please." Isis asked of Kylian.

She looked over to the male that was hovering near her. He seemed just as nervous as her even though he has already been burned by one of those rods.

"She is being assigned to Alpha Dominic at the traditional age but will not be expected to deliver on her duties to him. She is also not going to be immediately sequestered as assigned breeders normally are. We don't share information about other breeders, but she's still out, against the recommendations of the elders." Julien joined in with Kylian's snicker.

"Then why assign her? Did she complete her training and have nothing else to do?"

"Alpha Dominic refused to have her trained as well. But it's not as complicated of an assignment as what you are taking on." Kylian looked over his shoulder to see Derek and Marc enter, as if to emphasize the challenge she was going to face. The room started getting real small now that their bodies were filing in. "It's for her protection," Kylian continued. "She is starting to show signs that she will be able to bear lycans very well and it will attract unnecessary attention. She's also getting harassed quite a bit. Establishing a direct relationship with our alpha should help with all of that."

"Can I see yours?" Isis looked over to Kylian's shoulder, where under there is a double headed trident. A scar left by the exact instrument currently being pre-heated for an adventure with her. She will join them, but with a different set of obligations. She wouldn't be the tip of the spear, but just as important.

A cocky smirk accompanied his grab of a fist full of cotton near his waist. He could have just pulled over his collar, but no, anything to show off the expanse that is his chest. Isis rolled her eyes to the corner of the ceiling in a show but couldn't keep them away for long, and he knew it. Not only was he objectively impressive, but he was her mate. His shirt was pulled over his head, crumpled up like a newspaper, and tossed onto a table in the corner.

"Is there anything else I can do for you?" Kylian teased.


Her wolf perked up.

Something must have been showing on her face, because Julien silenced and zoned in on her.


Her wolf again pushed towards the lanky male with curly hair.

Marc pulled up next to Julien to investigate and got caught up in what he was seeing. The pale warrior locked onto Isis.


Now there was a tugging at her core, pulling towards them all. This was the first time since the night the bond was released to wreak havoc on them all that she was in a small space with more than just two of them.

The redhead faced off to her and she had tunnel vision on those brown eyes of his.


But her wolf whined, still unfulfilled. She felt full, but longing.

"What's your wolf's name?" Marc asked. It was a deeply personal question, but they are about to blast through all those barriers tonight.


"Please tell Sofria that her missing mates are on their way, and we will be home, just us, as soon as we can."

The door opened and a large male appeared.

Isis: The E6 Breeder (Lycan Breeder Series Book No. 2)Where stories live. Discover now