Scene Eleven

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The loose scattering of clouds lit up golden shades of orange and pink with the quickly setting sun. A dull glow penetrated everything around them and made the empty stucco house look warm and inviting.

"Am I blocking your parents' car?" Derek turned the ignition quieting the rumble from a few feet in front of them.

"They won't be home until tomorrow night."

Pushing open the twelve-hundred-pound American made door, he arrived at the back of the car before she did and opened things up. Her backpack slung over one shoulder, she was acting like she was going to carry the groceries into the house.

"Cute, but I don't think so."


"And I got this."

His hands slipped through the flimsy handles on six plastic bags that could hold no more than two items a piece. If he had known they would be food shopping, he would have brought the reusable bags. Now those things can hold some canned goods.

Hands fully laden, he attempted to multi-task his grip and pull down on the lid. A delicate hand reached into his field of vision and did the job for him, slamming it down with a crunch.

"I hope there wasn't some trick with closing your trunk. Older cars like this can be a little quirky."

"It closed and stayed. It's good."

She led the way to the front door, opening the way and walking in. A locked door won't keep a rogue out, and house burglary has had a rate of zero per one-hundred-thousand for the last eight generations at least. A bear would be just as likely to crash through a window or a wall as an unlocked door.

But still, he was glad he would be there to look over the homestead.

The first thing one sees walking in are stairs that lead to the back of the second floor. Bypassing the brown carpeted stairway to heaven, they continued to the kitchen. An open floorplan allowed a view of the dining and living rooms from the heart of the area, the kitchen.

The last of the light streaked across the tile counter as he unloaded the goods. By the time he was bunching up the bags she had an apron tied around her waist and her hair was pulled up.

"If you want to listen to music, you can Bluetooth into the speaker over there. The TV remotes are on the coffee table." A cutting board was being laid on the work surface in front of her. "Or we could just talk." Her snicker was actually quite delightful. Any imperfections one would dare to consider were instantly erased with the tensing of her lips and the glimmer of her eyes.

Even if she was teasing him, her joy was all encompassing.

"Where do these go?" The bags were secured in one of his large hands. Every house has a bag of bags, usually kept in a storage area that wasn't good for anything else. Sure enough, she led him to a high cabinet. When she reached for the door, her side stretched out and was left unobstructed by her now raised arm. The curve from her chest into her waistline and back out to her ample hips stole his attention. Not that good of a guard if you're so easily distracted by a female's curves.

Who was he kidding? Look at that figure.

Above her head a space opened to reveal a deep, tall, narrow cubby already filled with a chaotic collection of plastic bags.

Instead of moving to the side, she took a step back as he moved towards the destination. The collision left her pressed against him before he tipped forward only catching himself on the corner of the counter. The most intense pressure was against her rear, where the top of his thighs pinched her hips between him and oak looking cabinetry.

Isis: The E6 Breeder (Lycan Breeder Series Book No. 2)Where stories live. Discover now