Scene 38

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The door to what would have been a cozy cabin in any other circumstance, flew open and Emanuel breached the entry. From her perch on the floor of the loft, she was able to look down and see that he was alone when he slammed the door closed behind him.

Prying the flat piece of metal from between the sill plate and the flooring, she retrieved the key to her cuffs with a practiced effort. What she still struggled with was getting the key into the lock properly and twisting.

With the speed that only a shifter would be able to use, he barreled up the ladder and kneeled before her.

"Here, let me get you out of that." His hands reached forward, carefully aiming for the metal wrapped around her wrists and not for anything else on her completely exposed body. While he was there, she would wear loose shirts that covered her but could be easily discarded anywhere without raising any doubts.

"No," Rebecca continued to work her way through a jam. The key wasn't at the right depth before she turned it. "I need to be good at this."

After a little more jiggling the cuff silently popped open. It was corroded and should have made a click or clunk. They had decided that should she need to slip out of it in an emergency it would be best not to draw attention to the fact she was removing the cuffs on her own. A little graphite spray, or a lot of graphite spray depending on how you looked at it, took care of the unnecessary complaints of the lock.

"What did he say?" She stood up and accepted the flannel Emanuel held out to her, his eyes trained on her face.

Nice try. She knew he would look at her when it wasn't so obvious. A few days ago he would be downright distracted if she was exposed. Lately, he seemed to be pulling himself together more.

"He is entertaining a private buyer for each of you."

No. She didn't put herself through all of this to take down one buyer each. Absolutely not. She is here to shut down an entire industry, not a single player.

She yanked the shirt from him and slipped her arms into the oversized holes. The shoulder seam draped down and landed at the top of her bicep.

"What did you say?" she asked while pulling her hair from under the collar and letting it fall down her back.

"That bringing two wolves to market would be great publicity, even if he decides to go for a private buyer. He just needs to make sure there is an appropriate minimum bid for each of you."

Not a bad answer. Sometimes it scared her how well he did in navigating this front he put up.

"He seemed to go for it. But," Emanuel's face got dark and he gritted out the next line. "He ordered another dinner tonight."

Rebecca clamped her jaw tight, causing bumps to protrude from near her ears. She would be going back into that dining hall, exposed to that crowd. This time she may not be as protected.

"This is a change of pattern," she was able to get out.

"True. I wasn't expecting this."

"What are his expectations?"

His powerful form hovered, taking up all the space in front of her. She stood her ground, but his size, strength, and magic were almost too much for her to handle sometimes. Time kept going by and although it might have only been a few seconds, it felt like she was left hanging there for an eternity.

"He noticed last time that you were not roughed up. He will be looking."

"We knew that was going to happen." Doesn't she sound all nonchalant about the whole fucked-up situation?

Isis: The E6 Breeder (Lycan Breeder Series Book No. 2)Where stories live. Discover now