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She wouldn't even look at him, and that hurt more than anything right now. Ever since he saw her in that car, everything seemed wrong. Her steps were wobbly, her demeanor shaken. And it was painfully obvious with her question to Marc that she knew who they had escorted to the door.

The mate bond was still active on her side, and even if the doctors said she had healed from the attack her emotional damage was severe.

When Isis turned to walk away from them, he found himself in her path. She went to dart to the side, but with an arm extension he was able to pull her into his chest.

Marc's glare was cold as ice. This isn't about him.

"Why are you here?"

She should be home with her family. Sure, there were weird dynamics there but nothing in their records showed anything that would cause her to get kicked out.

"It's not to spy on you. I didn't know you were here," Isis answered against him. Her hands were flat on his pecs, and she pushed back. Giving her space and keeping her close, his hands moved to grab onto her upper arms.

"You aren't well. What happened?"

Fire rose in her eyes. The look of someone who didn't trust him stared back.

"How is it I can touch you without wanting to throw up?"

Could have fooled him. Every feature on her face seemed to be cursing at him and annoyance beamed from her. But with all that hatred, there was passion not repulsion. How funny that love and hate can feel like two passengers riding side-by-side on a roller coaster; screaming and laughing maniacally together.

"We think it's because Adrien is bonded to all of us, and the mate bond seeped out."

"It doesn't work that way," Isis spat at him, another wave of frustration animating her form.

"We don't know that."

Her eyes closed and she took a couple deep breaths. Liquid coursed down her face leaving her lashes wet and chest trembling. He engaged his arms but she threw herself back with a plea.

"Please," red eyes opened and looked up to him, "Just let me go. I can't... you don't want me and I can't... I'll accept his rejection. Just let me go so I can get a room and rest." She fell soft in his arms. Her voice had dropped to a whisper. "Meet me later tonight. I'll do it."

"Let Marc escort you to the head of staff and to your room. You don't look well."

She shook her head. "I won't stop him."

This time when she backed away, he released her. The pale fighter was shooting daggers at him, but his face softened when he turned to follow her. He held a position close to her, ready to jump in should she falter.

He was cool, but not heartless. Quite the contrary. It was a high hurdle, but once you got past that albino's intricate defense system, there was a world of warmth. What you saw on the outside of Marc was not the same as what you saw on the inside. He was precious, protecting his well being and selfless to those he loved.

"Everyone to the throne room. Derek, break away from Dominic as soon as you can. We'll keep you in the packhouse."

A chorus of replies from the E6 came through the mindlink as he headed back to where he had come from. This ends tonight, one way or another.

Liam and Adrien were already there, as if they had never left.

"Isis arrived here just as Rebecca and the monks were leaving. Matt Novak was dropping her off," Kylian announced to the pair. A low rumble came from Adrien... no, Liam. All three were surprised by the reaction. Whatever, move on.

Isis: The E6 Breeder (Lycan Breeder Series Book No. 2)Where stories live. Discover now