Scene 36

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Rowdy chatter muffled by the closed door ahead of them got louder as they approached. Bent in half with Emanuel's shoulder in her gut, Rebecca's upper body swayed with every step he took. When they walked in, all those eyes would be on his face next to her completely exposed folds.

A sharp cringe shot through her core when she connected the voices she was hearing with that experience. Her form became rigid and was not without him noticing.

"Settle down. You need to be calm and compliant going in there."

She understood this. She had trained for something similar for years. When the sounds of roughhousing became clear and they stepped through an open door, she started up her counting game.

Be defeated, she told herself. A tremble fluttered through her and she buried her face into the shirt in front of her.

Silence spread throughout the closed area. As much as she wanted to take in the scene, everyone was looking at them. This was not the time to be caught investigating.

"Glad you could make it," Ralph laughed from somewhere at the far side of the room. The only competing noise was some music that was playing a little too loud now that the cracking of jokes and pool balls was silenced.

"You say it as if I had a choice," Emanuel replied.

"True," Ralph seemed to contemplate. "Well, I'm sure you'd rather be back in your cabin buried deep in that pussy right there. But, traditions are traditions. Speaking of which, that area looks rather fresh. I expected it to be pretty worn. You've had her for a couple hours now."

The ambient noise became a collection of hoots and whistles. Apparently, the clan agreed.

"What can I say? I was a gentleman today, for the most part. I still have a couple weeks before market, right?"

Perfect transition to get the information they needed. Unfortunately, it was spoiled when a door slammed open, and a body came crashing through.

Derek lay crumpled on his side, bare chested and his pants torn. Kento strode into the room next, wearing a smug ass smile. He stopped with his boots in front of the downed male's stomach.

Rebecca had turned her head to see that much of the commotion but was whipped away when Emanuel turned as well. There was more scuffing and soon they were walking towards the far end of the room now that the attention was on the recent arrival. He rounded a long table already set and took a seat, pulling Rebecca down to his lap. Sliding her legs up and over the armrest, he left her bare skin on his pants but still found a way to cover her.

A brutal grunt accompanied what must have been a kick to Derek's exposed gut. Rebecca jumped and fear drove acid from her stomach up her throat. Em slipped his hand through the button down opening and palmed her breast, pulling her attention to him.

"Be a good girl, now," he cooed her loud enough for those around to hear.

Against her nature, she cowered against his chest. It had to be a good show, so she took in a deep breath and sought comfort in being close to Emanuel. Sorting through and disregarding the alcohol, leather, and other males she homed in on the unique spice that was his. Surrounded by turmoil and uncertainty, he was insulating her as best he could. She shouldn't trust him as much as she seemed to be, but it did feel better to bury her face against him when the roughhousing started up again and she knew Derek was on the receiving end.

That rugged hand she had been silently begging to do more to her earlier lifted her chin and pointed her towards Derek. Any onlooker would think he was commanding her to look at her fallen brethren, maybe even threatening her. She knew he was helping her see her packmate.

Isis: The E6 Breeder (Lycan Breeder Series Book No. 2)Where stories live. Discover now