Scene 44

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The large round table was surrounded by fighters and one empty chair. In the movies, the strategy room is clean with empty surfaces everywhere. Not here. Maps, photos, and markers cluttered the space between them, the detritus of forming a battle plan.

Liam and Julien had recovered from their markings. Marc, Kylian, and Adrien have not yet had that opportunity. Dominic overflowed the largest chair at the table. The one open spot was for the missing E6 fighter. Names of fighters who fell before their retirement littered the empty chair, but Derek's name would not be added if everything went well. And what would they do about Rebecca? Should she be honored somewhere in here if she doesn't return? The obvious answer is no because she isn't one of them. But she also never had the chance to be.

"Rebecca is harder to read than Derek. Both are overly focused on the mission, a distraction from their stress. They will need down time and support when they come back," Julien briefed his alpha.

Liam spoke next. "We need to start going in sets of two when we survey the clan. When things happen, it will be quick."

Dominic nodded, "You are released from your obligation to the packhouse to focus on this. I'll bump up the other guards."

"What about your plans to move her into your suite?" Liam ventured to the topic that was never spoken about outside of the team. The alpha's breeder was much like their own, existing outside of the established protocol, and more than the bearer of the next generation. Unlike their own, she was allowed more freedom to move about and was still taking classes, but they were learning that it was difficult to protect her with so much exposure to others.

"I'm holding out as long as I can. Once she's there, things... they change."

Liam grunted and moved back to the mission. "We think it's going to happen within a week then?"

Marc, behind a stack of six manilla folders, responded, "Yes. And we have a location."

"When did you find this out?" Liam's eyebrow raised.

A rare smirk raised half of Marc's face. "When you were recovering." His eyes pointedly indicated the mark on Liam's neck, brightly displaying that his mate has claimed him in return.

Raising to his feet, he passes out the folders that had been stacking in front of him, waiting for the conversation to move to his specialty: Intel. Each recipient opened and thumbed through the collection of paperwork clumped together with clips to separate into categories.

"Exits?" Liam murmured, pulling out a map that had been folded to fit with the rest.

"Three with direct vehicle access, two additional ground level exits with vehicle access greater than ten yards away, numerous windows on the second floor. Of the three with vehicle access, one is a loading dock on the north side, and the other two are on the south side. Not ideal, but if we block off the two pedestrian access points, we will easily be able to monitor escape routes with hostages. Did you confirm Alpha Monique's support?"

Dominic lazily raised his eyes from the information in front of him. "Yes. She will be there with her mate, posing as buyers with an entourage of guards. They will lock down and control the inside, and we secure the outside."

"If she's posing as a buyer and makes a bid, we can track the banking information. All transactions will be done electronically to prevent excess cash on site and secondary crimes such as burglary or unauthorized prostitution."

"I'll ask her to make a bid," Dominic dropped his chin and went back to the paperwork in front of him before Marc continued.

"In the second clip, you will find our most wanted." The shuffling of papers fills the room while everyone moves to the same pages. "The photos with red borders we would prefer to keep alive. They are mostly lab staff and high-level dealers who can provide information for downstream perps and previous sales. Those without borders have no value alive. Once we confirm who Alpha Monique will be sending, I'll distribute photos of her team. Keep in mind that we may have additional friendlies and badies in the mix. The good guys and the bad guys are going to look alike in there."

Isis: The E6 Breeder (Lycan Breeder Series Book No. 2)Where stories live. Discover now