Scene 51

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"I am making an exception, allowing you onto the territory," Dominic gruffed at the werebear. "I am glad you have healed, and King Micah sends his gratitude."

Crazy ass wolf world. Alphas, lycans, kings... lunas, mates, breeders... packs, alliances. They all walk around with a stick of loyalty shoved up their asses. Unlike them, he can get on his bike and take off without telling a soul, and no one would think twice of it. No alarms. His clan would just let him be and welcome him when their paths crossed again.

But he could also die, and no one would know to look for him, would they?

But who the fuck cared. It's not like he is worth fussing over. No one should lose sleep over his wellbeing, no matter how much he wished that wasn't true.

The lycan walked to the driver's side of a black Escalade, head nodding towards the passenger side. "It's quicker this way." That was a courtesy lie. A drive would reveal less information about the territory than a walk would. And that was fine by him. Emmanuel didn't care about recon or wolf society, other than whatever involved his partner.

He would agree to whatever conditions were imposed so that he could meet up with her, and a drive instead of a walk didn't seem that burdensome.

The air conditioning kicked on and blasted his hair from his forehead. The damp layer of sweat was quickly evaporating. But since his perspiration wasn't due to the climate, it would just come back. He was anxious, nervous. So close to seeing her again.

She had been his for about two weeks and although he had touched every available square inch of her skin, he still felt distant. In some ways he was on his way to meet a stranger, a stranger that he loved. But not really, that wasn't possible.

A vision of her lips parted and whimpering flooded his mind. Her soft skin and firm muscles in his grip brought his senses alive. Memories of what it felt like to have the length of her body pressed against him could have brought tears to his eyes if he wasn't already on edge.

After traveling down a dirt road, the SUV pulled onto a patch of grass and stopped. The view from the windshield was of a meadow lit up by the early afternoon sun. Small bugs glinted in the rays while they danced along the top of tall grass. The green open space was surrounded by the shade of trees that no doubt concealed guards in the darkness.

But in the center, was a familiar head and shoulders. Her body was obscured by the plants, but her dark hair gleamed under the sun. Her presence was peaceful as she quietly sat and absorbed the warmth around her. She heard the vehicle pull up, but didn't let the interruption disturb her serenity.

This was like a postcard, a Norman Rockwell painting, an advertisement for a family and a ranch style home in a suburb. This is what he wanted.

Knowing better, with his eyes locked on Rebecca, he stayed still. He was in the presence of her alpha and although he had no intention of harming her, the respect for Dominic's protectiveness was paramount.

"She is expecting you."

The latch clicked and door opened, letting Emmanuel unfold from the passenger seat and stand on the ground. His thick legs took smooth and long strides towards the center of the meadow, bringing him as quickly to his target as possible without causing alarm.

Leaning back, her face had a slight flush from the heat of the sun. The blanket she was on was lumpy as it laid over the uneven broken stocks of grass.

Strapped to her chest was a sleeping infant. Chubby cheeks were smooshed against her blouse, breathing heavily across her skin. Long legs stretched from underneath and crossed at the ankles. Her heavy lashes lifted halfway, providing shade to her eyes but now allowing her to see the visitor.

Isis: The E6 Breeder (Lycan Breeder Series Book No. 2)Where stories live. Discover now