Scene 30

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Being able to take one of the Elite Six with, or even instead of, Rebecca into the heart of the clan has its own risk structure, but is a much more solid plan. There are two of them that would be vulnerable, but they'll be able to mindlink and coordinate for protection. It'll also increase the urgency of attending the market if there are double the wolves to sell. The quicker they get there, the sooner this whole thing shuts down.

Instead of increasing her hesitancy, Rebecca became downright determined after her meeting with Madison. Initially, they were worried that the opportunity would blind her to the dangers, but it was her disgust that motivated her to want to shut the market down.

"Are you all settling in with your breeder?" Alpha Dominic knows her name, but out of respect won't use it unless necessary. Privacy and security went hand in hand here. Even though there were only the two of them driving back from the meeting with Emanuel, it's a good habit to maintain.

"Yes." Goddess, it was hard to leave her. He had to physically overcome his emotional need to be near her. The only reason he could even consider such a thing was that he was leaving her in the care of the others. They were on light duty for the next couple of days, so only one would be needed for Dominic.

"I wouldn't ask if you weren't on my team, but I can't help but notice you smell like a bonded male."

"Yes," Derek couldn't help the smile that overtook his face. "We all are."

"I'm happy for you."

Although it's not their business to dig into the personal affairs of their alpha, it is their business to know what his vulnerabilities are. The team has decided that his interest in Sophia, his breeder, goes well beyond their duties to each other and has for years. So, could there have been a tinge of sorrow in that comment? Jealousy? Surely, he could convince her to mate him if he wanted. Even if suspicions about Alpha Monica turned out to be true and she rejected him, it's doubtful anyone else would.

"Thank you. She's turning out to be something else."

"Good. With your breeder assigned and hopefully carrying soon, and it sounds like that has started, it'll be time to go on more aggressive missions. The first one will be this business with Emanuel."

Yup. This is what they had all been waiting for.

They reached the front of the packhouse when the driver's phone rang. The ringtone announced it was one of his brethren.

"I'll head to my office. Take your time," Alpha Dominic grunted as he extracted himself through the open door, leaving Derek alone.

Kylian's number splashed across the screen. No picture, no name. They had each other's phone numbers memorized.

Clicking the green accept symbol and dragging it to the middle of the screen, background noise became audible.

"Did you butt dial me?"

A rough laugh came through. "Missing Isis?"

"Yeah," Derek sighed and looked around the vehicle. The courtyard was vacant, as it usually is this time of day. Everyone is either on shift or at home. The concrete steps that lead to the large front doors are empty now that Dominic has entered the packhouse. He can probably just leave the vehicle here. It won't be in anyone's way. "A couple more hours, though."

A rhythm to the background noise was becoming clear. A repeated shuffle pattern, like they were cleaning something.

"She misses you too, don't you? Want to say hi?"

His mate's voice came through the earpiece and a sense of calm crashed through him. He didn't realize how tense he had been until he heard her saying, "Hi, daddy."

Isis: The E6 Breeder (Lycan Breeder Series Book No. 2)Where stories live. Discover now