Scene 49

474 27 17

The dust kicked up with every step on a road that hasn't seen rain in weeks. He could walk less obnoxiously, but what would be the point? The wolves here appreciated his lack of stealth and there was no reason to piss them off. They have been good to him. To her.

"How is she?" Emanuel asked, pausing his towering form several feet from the E6 warrior in front of him.

Liam took a languid breath, buying time to either think of an answer or to continue to scan for threats before he engaged. As unnecessary as it felt to protect any of the pack from him, there was that one incident where he tried to kill and kidnap a member of the E6 and their mate. It doesn't matter if you had the best of intentions, you need to own up to the effects your actions caused.

Once the male with the skull trim finished scanning the surrounding area, he peered up to the werebear. "You know I can't share that."

Before, sure. But now? After all of that? This was Rebecca, not Madison. They were a team. They shared... everything, right?

"Last I heard she had been carried off, unconscious with a forced bond that had been broken. I don't know what that does to your kind, but it doesn't sound good." Emanuel allowed frustration to come through with its sharp edge.

To his credit, the E6 warrior didn't seem to mind the grit in the bear's tone.

"It's not," Liam scanned around again, monitoring for any changes. "But that doesn't change the fact that she is ours and we are protecting her."

"Did she ask you to do this?" Emanuel barked back.

Pausing, Liam sized up the male as if he was an opponent. That wasn't the direction this was supposed to go. He was supposed to demonstrate that he was on their side, trustworthy. That he had protected her the best he could and that he wouldn't harm her. He had to get to her.

Cold black eyes zoned out for a second before refocusing onto him. Must be that wolf-network they have to communicate. Damn pack mentality.

Stabbing his fingers through his hair, he took a step back to regroup. His eyes averted to the side of the road and back to where his Harley was currently pitched.

The only vehicle that offered enough leg room for him, because there was no foot well to trap his knees into. It was covered in a fine layer of dust. He was considering getting on it and leaving the area. In fact, several attempts had been made, but it always ended up around here. Why not give it one last try before departing? There are no attachments to this land, to this pack.

But who was he fooling?

"I'm losing it," he yelled, spinning to look back at the wolf bastard blocking his way. Reinforcements were wandering up, languid in their step but taunt in their posture. The fair skinned libertarian and his Greek model looking companion. "I did everything I could to protect her, but it wasn't enough, was it?"

"She chose this. Nothing happened that she wasn't warned about." Liam was now flanked by two more of the E6, and who knows what else was hiding in the bushes. Not their alpha, at least. He would be down here in his face. No need to keep the only one who could match his own bulk in the nearby shrubbery.

Three on one. Even if he darted past, he wouldn't know where to go. This wasn't a show of force so much as a show of unity.

His throat tightened up, constricting his breathing as he thought about her lifeless form being pulled from the vehicle and spirited away. Of course they would want to remove her from the entirety of the situation. He was the one who made the videos of her that kept the interest up. He was the one who put her on display in every way possible. Was that even necessary? It sure seemed so at the time.

Isis: The E6 Breeder (Lycan Breeder Series Book No. 2)Where stories live. Discover now