Scene 37

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Julien winked at Isis before pulling his helmet down over his head. Smug and confident with her mark on his neck, and rested after letting the new connection set in, he was about to leave her.

Not that she would be alone. In fact, currently she had a big-bodied fighter on either side of her. Marc, with a similar intensity in his gaze as her, and Kylian, whose presence would be enough to scare off anything that decided now would be the time to knock on their door. No Girl Scout cookies or two-thousand-dollar vacuums would be offered to them.

The engine started up and the rumble of a two-stroke drowned out the squealing of the perimeter door sliding open. His eyes went from jovial to serious before he moved his gaze to the compound's exit.

The change wasn't observed just from her sight, the tug in her chest shifted. Happiness didn't leave, it got layered with concern and trepidation. The swirling of emotions resolved into purpose.

Instinct can bridge the gap to the unknown, causing fully sentient creatures to do things they don't understand the reasons for. The E6 fighters are brave, skilled, trained, and reckless. Adding to their blasé take on mortality was their commitment to her and their upcoming family. Perhaps this will be the extra push they need to ensure that in a conflict their split-second decisions lead to the likelihood of them coming home to her and their young.

Perhaps this is what was overcoming her recently.

Julien didn't have to look over his shoulder for Isis to know she was on his mind. The brap of the bike echoed off the inside of the solid barricade that surrounded them and with his feet off the ground, he was riding away from them. Knobby tires kicked up dirt and gravel as soon as he cleared the gate.

His backpack was full of supplies for his upcoming stay away from her, from them. A dirt bike would certainly catch the attention of the clan. Both the smell and the sound are obnoxious in the woods where they are located. But it will get him in deep, and then he'll approach from the back of the mountain on foot.

The bike sped out of sight. About a minute later, with her frozen and staring at where Julien had just been, the gate shut and the burr of the fading sound was cut off. The remnants of whatever sound waves had made it this far bounced off the closed structure surrounding them.

She broke her pose and Marc reacted first, looking over to her. There was a shared kinship in his face. Perhaps it was a relief that someone else felt the vulnerability he did when Julien trekked out on his missions.

Thick arms wrapped around her from behind, securing her to a large torso. Kylian curled over the top of her and buried his nose into her hair. She spun around within the enclosure of his embrace and with the eagerness of a kid who had just found his Easter basket, she was lifted up and against his chest. Swaying side to side, they made their way through the front door and into the relative quiet of the house.

"Where's Liam?"

She didn't have to ask loudly; her mouth was right next to Kylian's ear. His response was a little jarring anyway. A rigidness took over his swagger and he slowed their progress.

"In his private quarters," Kylian responded. She already knew this though. The question was the round-about way to redirect them from where Kylian wanted to go to where she wanted to go.

Clutching her tighter, he changed their momentum. The wide hallway that they passed through was bare. Any pictures or art from the previous inhabitants were taken down. Those who were raised in this house had some framed pictures from that time in their rooms, but the open areas were a blank canvass for the new team to build upon.

The private quarters were sizeable enough that the span between them meant there was enough time for the body carrying her to tense and relax. The afternoon plans weren't going how he had hoped. She didn't need the two-way bond to feel that from him.

Isis: The E6 Breeder (Lycan Breeder Series Book No. 2)Where stories live. Discover now