Scene 45

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When she said to make it natural, Rebecca was probably thinking more about only having a couple of days until market and did not consider the sex drive of werebears. The alternative would be to disable the recording devices or find another place to stay. Both alternatives were too risky. They found a mic behind the dresser, but there's no guarantee they would find and destroy them all. A different location would have its own set of security issues. Maintaining physical intimacy seemed like the best option, except she didn't know how much Emanuel was holding back until now.

Wood was rhythmically scraping across wood. His lunges dragged the bed across the floor until the headboard was softly banging on the wall. He was going deep, not hard, maintaining so she could have an orgasm before his came.

She was immobile in his embrace. One of her long legs was stretched out between his own, the other pulled up to her chest. Her channel stretched tight around him while he drove into her from her side. She was locked into the position he wanted her in and wasn't going to move until he let her. Her head held in place by a handful of hair and his forearm pinning her thigh against her. For now, she was taking everything he was giving her.

Little whimpers started escaping her mouth a couple of thrusts ago. His head dragged along a part of her that was not used to any kind of pressure, yet. She was already wet before he pressed into her, but after a couple of strokes, she was sopping. Even with all that lubrication, he felt the tugging along his shaft as he moved in and out of her.

Whimpers turned to cries when he laid down on her, his weight securing her and his face sliding up and down just an inch from her own.

"You are going to cum for me," he growled into her ear. "When I tell you."

She tensed, trying to shift below him and change their angle. She fell limp with a frustrated gasp after her attempts proved unsuccessful.

"No, not like that," he instructed her. "You will take me like this until I am done."

He could almost lose himself to the moment and forget there was an audience. Almost. But like everything that could have been good the last few years, the clan was always there, poisoning any happiness he found.

Her eyes were wet from trying to hold back. She too was aware of the audience and knew that she needed to obey his commands. Then again, maybe she would have tried to please him anyway, if it were just the two of them.

That's a path he shouldn't go down, for his own good. There is no way she would have ever been his if it weren't for this mission.

Her teeth clamped together as she struggled to keep her orgasm away. Just when she was about to disobey him, he gave her the command.

"Cry for me, little wolf."

Her body shuddered, inside and out. Her arms tensed and pushed against his immoveable embrace. Large gulps of air came in through her mouth and he wondered what it would be like if he controlled that as well. What if she was at his mercy even more? With his fingers controlling when she could find relief in both her release and in her inhale.

With her consciousness in his hands.

With her body burning at his mercy.

He grunted and pulled back, gripping himself and stroking until he released onto her hip. His knot flared, but when it didn't meet any pressure in return, it shrank down almost immediately. After the swelling subsided, Emanuel slipped his still stiff dick back into her oversensitive area and watched chills run through her.

Heavy breathing from both of them was the only sound in the cabin. His fingers slipped through her hair, soothing her into a lull, and she was calm again.

Isis: The E6 Breeder (Lycan Breeder Series Book No. 2)Where stories live. Discover now