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Controlled chaos. They had discussed this many times, but this was the first time they were actually going through an emergency evacuation of their home, of the territory.

"Isis, pack your things. Kylian is taking care of your son. You have ten minutes to have your bags in the car." Marc was ushering his very pregnant mate down the hallway towards her private quarters.

"What about Doc Amy? I need a check-up."

"She's coming with us."


"Will you tell me what's happening? Please?"

"Truth is, I don't know everything. I know we are evacuating Sophia and their new young immediately. All of the E6 are going and so you are coming too."

The alpha's breeder and their son who was only born like twenty minutes ago.

Soon Kylian was driving the four of them down the road and pulled over at a house with a female and child waiting for them.

Rebecca set up the booster seat and strapped in her young next to Isis's in the third row.

"I don't suppose you know what's going on?" Rebecca groaned while putting on her seatbelt and settling next to Isis.

Kylian spoke up, "We're on our way to the backup location. Dominic, Sophia, their newborn, and the rest of the E6 will meet us there."

"But why?" Rebecca snapped.

"Sophia had a girl," Kylian revealed.

"No shit," Marc gasped.

"But that means..." Rebecca's eyes got wide and she stared at a very confused Isis. Well-trained in all the different results of breeding, Rebecca knew that no female lycan should ever be born, because no female lycan still existed.

Only female lycans can give birth to female lycans. A wolf could carry and deliver a male lycan.

"Sophia is a lycan," Rebecca disclosed. "This will not stay secret for long."

"We're trying to get ahead of it," Kylian shared while he sped from the territory. "There is a reason why female lycans disappeared, and truth is we don't fully know why. So, we are taking every precaution and moving them to a safe place. We will need all the help we can get from those we trust the most. Rebecca, that includes you."

Isis: The E6 Breeder (Lycan Breeder Series Book No. 2)Where stories live. Discover now