Scene 25 (Alt with common triggers suppressed)

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A/N: This is an alternative to the previous scene and references a kidnapping and non-consensual intercourse. This is offered for readers who would like to continue with the story and not be subjected to common triggers. There is no new information in this chapter and anything relevant for the story is included.

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She didn't realize that her breeder training would come in handy in such a non-intimate setting. The foxes that shared the small space with her were trying their best to stay still and smooth, but the prey instinct would flare up and cause an unexpected release of adrenaline.

Some deep breathing was necessary. Just pretend like two of the fighters are making conflicting demands of you. Practice what the monks taught you. Breath deep. Breath.

Rebecca was sitting in a two-bed boarding room in the packhouse. Yes, she knew that the E6's selected breeder was down the hall. Yes, she knew they were all hovering around her. In fact, the ones that weren't in her room would stay in the rooms adjacent to her. There have even been reports of them leaning against the door in the hallway.

That is not what she signed up for. If that's what they wanted, good for them.

"I think it would be better if you stepped out, Caliste," Madison spoke up to her sister. "I would like to share some things with Rebecca that I am not ready to share with you. Plus, I think having us both in here is wearing on her."

Calista nodded, her frustration apparent. Rejection sucks.

She hobbled out, her stiff leg not bending as much as the other and gave her an uneven gait.

The door clicked behind her and after a few seconds, Madison spoke up. "It's a hip deformity, we think. She's had it since birth. When our mom chased us off, which is common for our kind, our siblings abandoned her. But I couldn't."

"It would be a rough life, living in the wild." Rebecca focused in on the female laying down. Bed rest was advised. Her respiratory infection now gone and her lungs mostly clear, she still stood the chance of a reoccurrence. She isn't going anywhere until after she gives birth.

"That's why we moved to the city. It's easier with a... disability. Regardless of being a shifter or human. We hoped that there would be safety under the constant scrutiny of humans. And there was, for a while."

Her kind does do better in urban environments than all the other shifter breeds.

Rebecca relaxed. Madison was right, having the two in here was trying. But also, Madison had an air about her. The former wannabe breeder found herself as comfortable as if she were around another shifter of a different pack.

"When they first started coming into the bar, I was alarmed. I wanted to run out and never look back. For a while I kept the back door wide open, my car unlocked, keys in the ignition, pointed away from the building. No one was going to steal that thing anyway. Once things settled, I started to appreciate the break in humanity. It felt nice to be recognized for who I was. I didn't feel like I was hiding anything. I didn't know what they had transitioned into... I suspected, but now I look back on it, and all the good ones left. Well, almost all of them.

"They took us from behind the bar I worked at. My sister came by so we could go to a party down the street. I think it was the fact that they could get both of us that sealed our fate. I negotiated to have her released unharmed that same night and Emanuel took her to a safe place until he brought us here.

"When my heat came, Brad didn't let up. Said if he didn't knock me up then his Prez would force him to take me to market and he didn't want to get rid of his plaything yet. It's hard to say I would do anything different though, anything else would have spread the pain to Caliste." The fox rubbed her swelling belly and sighed, looking up to the ceiling. "Maybe if I had picked a different city."

Returning her focus to the fighter, "And you are going to infiltrate them? Are you sure?"

Was she scared shitless? Yes. Did she want to go out there? Hell no.

But she also wanted to stop them.

They had an in.

"How much do you trust Emanuel?"

"With my sister's life."

"Then, yes. I am sure."

Isis: The E6 Breeder (Lycan Breeder Series Book No. 2)Where stories live. Discover now