Scene 42

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Every potential scenario was explored, options discussed, and consent given. A repeated two-tap of any body part against him means that something is wrong enough that Rebecca needs a break. His biggest fear is that she won’t signal when needed and she would suffer. But what can he do? An overabundance of caution will leave them vulnerable to suspicion and discovery.

He bent down towards her, pressing his shoulder into her stomach and lifting. She let out an excruciating cry with her weight folded over him. Immediately putting her down on her feet, her arms clung to her gut while she caught her breath.

“I’ll be fine. I wasn’t expecting that.”
With only access to biological healing, she would still be suffering from her first knotting. This isn’t going to work.

“We’ll find another way,” Emanuel looked around and took inventory. He was planning on walking into the hall the same way he did before, but there is always another way. “Can you walk?”


He crossed the small area and pulled open a drawer on the end table. After grabbing a few things, he returned and slipped a collar around her neck. The black leather was thick and stiff, curving around her neck for its inaugural use. Once it was looped through and secured, a long lead was clipped to it.

Rebecca shook her head and looked off to the side, getting used to the accessories.

“It’s a leash,” she sighed.

“It’s our best option.”

His gut twisted watching her demeanor change as she prepared to walk out with him. The persona she was transitioning into would keep her alive long enough to stop his clan. It was necessary, but he could still hate it. It was like watching someone he adored disappear right in front of him.

She gave a quick nod and looked at him confidently, as an equal, for the last time that night. After this, she will be considered his property in front of the others. Her eyes averted, and he led the way out.

Their two sets of distinct footsteps reverberated along the planks of the boardwalk. A pair of shitkickers stomped their way down, and softer bare feet took about three steps to every two of his. They were both using the short walk to transform into a couple that only existed for this audience.

Light glowed through curtains from inside the hall, providing ambient illumination around the windows. Conversations from inside were dulled and barely heard outside. It wasn’t the same raucous crowd that usually attended these gatherings.

This further confirmed his theory that they are going to attempt to take her from his care. With the others there, clan standards would be enforced. A slight against Emanuel could be deflected to an insult against all bears. With only his hand-picked favorites there, Ralph could insult him personally and justify the acquisition.

He plowed through the door, swinging it wide and holding it, allowing Rebecca to follow without having to hold the door herself. Her hands stayed at her side, and her eyes on him. The long slender black leather lead wrapped around his hand before it draped up towards her neck. She stayed close enough that his arm movement wouldn’t draw it taunt.

There were only a half dozen clan members gathered around the table, waiting for the pair to arrive. Their muted conversations carried on while Emanuel maneuvered them to the end of the table and took his seat. He spread his legs, giving the indication that Rebecca was to take her seat on one of them.

Her bare skin rubbed along the outside of his jeans as she placed her weight on his solid thigh. Her elbows dug into her sides and her hands cupped together in her lap, both trying to cover her sex and submit to the humility of the situation. She hunched forward, submissively, which gave her breasts a slight sway as she breathed in and out in a controlled pattern. Her priority was to be attuned to him, but she was in a position to observe the others with her peripheral vision.

Isis: The E6 Breeder (Lycan Breeder Series Book No. 2)Where stories live. Discover now