Scene 48

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The buzzing of high voltage electricity being discharged into a warm body amped Derek's adrenaline and awareness. The fight started earlier than planned with Emanuel getting tased, and from the limited senses he had he could make out that Rebecca was being forcefully taken out of the building.

That absolutely can not happen.

Quick release buckles had been carefully selected for his restraints and soon Kento had freed him. Popping up from a kneeled to a crouched position, all the threats surrounding them were observed and categorized. There were three distinct challenges among the chaos: Alpha Monique, Emmanuel, and Rebecca.

There is no right and wrong in combat, just more and less effective decisions. The results will tell if this was the right one.

Free Monique first. The alpha will go after Rebecca while he rescues Emmanuel.

Hands shifted into claws and wrapped around neck of the male that had shocked both E and the alpha. Monique's mate pressed the prod against the aggressor and while his body stiffened under the voltage running through him, Derek was able to grab a fist full of flesh and rip out his throat. It would be nice if he missed the artery, so that he could drown in his own blood instead of bleeding out.

The form landed on the ground and with no artillery spray indicating the E6's wish came true. He'll die over a few minutes instead of thirty seconds.

With only a nod to the mated pair, Derek took off in the direction that Kento had fled leaving the couple running towards the exit Rebecca had been carried out of.

People were gathering their high value items and attempting to flee, but others were picking them off as they attempted their escape. It was hard to tell who were good guys and who were bad guys. Presumably, if they were dragging a half-naked female, they were a bad guy.

"Alpha Monique is in pursuit of the prez and Rebecca, through the North side exit. We lost them in the ambush," Derek linked his own alpha and any E6 he could sense.

"I'll intercept them outside," Marc linked back.

"E was stunned and hauled off by humans. I'm chasing him down behind Kento towards the East side of the building."

"Copy that," Liam responded.

The air reeked of stress and the sounds of yelling, punching, and crashing of metal surrounded him. This was a good fight. It's a shame he was weaker than normal with his undercover work before this. Had he been able to stay home, he would be covered in blood and glory by now. Instead, he is going to focus on one target, the one that no one was assigned to.

Exploding through the side door, he scanned the area and saw Kento banging on the top of a utility van. His legs burned and his wolf howled. Engaging all the strength and magic he could, he caught up to the van that was slipping over the wet mud surrounding the building. Sprinting alongside the driver's side, he reached out and grabbed the edge of the frame and placed his feet on the running board.

The human behind the wheel jumped and swerved, the forces tipping the top-heavy vehicle towards the external passenger. A quick pop to the window with his fist sent a series of cracks cascading out from the center, but no penetration. Another pop against the window jolted the driver who then tugged the steering wheel in an attempt to correct the lean, but resulted in an overcorrection. The van swayed and toppled over to its side, throwing open the rear doors and expelling some of its contents across the muddy field.

The noise of the crash was deafening and before it quieted down, Derek was on his feet only a few yards from the stilled vehicle. Rounding the back, he saw a werebear tethered in restraints in a pile of equipment. The vials, bed, and monitors that were typically used in a medical setting lay strewn about.

Ralph had sold Emanuel to a lab.

Kento was making busy ripping apart any human bodies that attempted to move after the accident. The only ones safe from an impromptu amputation were the two that were trapped inside the cab.

"We need them," Derek yelled out to an enraged and half transformed werebear avenging his friend. "For interrogation."

Kento roared his frustration and compliance, throwing a loose arm recently relieved of a torso at the windshield for good measure. The sound of meat hitting glass should have been drowned out by the distant chaos and groaning of the vehicle, but it caught the attention of the occupants.

"You got him?" Derek nodded his head towards the unconscious and restrained friend. "I am going after Rebecca."

Under different circumstances, it would be poor form to leave a mostly unconscious shifter in the care of a raged beast, especially after a car accident. But E was safe and Rebecca was still an unknown.

Kento nodded and made his way into the back of the van before Derek broke out into a sprint towards the North side of the building.

As overwhelming as it had been inside the warehouse, the perimeter was contained by more fighters than his own pack could provide. No one was getting away. Occasionally a car would start up, only to be thrown over by a couple of shifters. Anyone who attempted to flee on foot was intercepted before they got to the treeline. There were at least half a dozen pack scents in addition to various rogues. This was the battle of a generation, and at the center of it was him and Rebecca.

Rounding the corner, the first sight he took in was Alpha Dominic, in his full lycan form, ripping the doors from the rear of a van. The planks of metal flew through the air like a nuisance to him and before they landed, Ralph was in his grip. Correction, Ralph was being torn apart in his grip.

He didn't have to tear him completely in two. The ripping through the torso, starting at the shoulder and across his chest was enough to do the job, but Dominic's lycan liked to finish what he started. So, it was surprising to see the only half torn body get tossed aside before he lunged back into the van and produced another male.

"Take him over there," Liam yelled at the lycan. "We need to get to Rebecca."

Holding his prey by the neck he let the male's legs flail around looking for purchase. But his feet would never feel the earth again. While making eye contact, the beast walked them off to the side, allowing Monique and Liam to rush into the van.

Now this guy was split into two, completely and fully. The signature move of his lycan.

A female voice called out from the cavern at the rear of the van, "She's out cold. Heart rate and breathing are good. No external injuries... wait... she was marked."

A heavy weight fell over the crowd, blocking out the noise of the fight and even catching the lycan's attention. All bodies now in pieces and tossed aside, he encroached to the vehicle and inhaled, confirming that his pack member's scent had changed.

The roar that he let out captured everyone's pain and broadcast it to the world. This went so incredibly bad. They had known the risks, but it's hard to see the victory through the consequences.

Monique held Rebecca, a stranger from another pack, and tears freely flowed down her face. The lycan huffed at the scene and took off, using both arms and legs to propel him into the fray, slashing through offenders as if their destruction would justify her loss.

After a few more minutes, the scene quieted down and raiding parties were formed to flush out anyone hiding in the facility.

No one would get away this evening. The market was over.

Isis: The E6 Breeder (Lycan Breeder Series Book No. 2)Where stories live. Discover now