Scene Eight

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A little known business strategy is that cafés meant for long term occupancy have corners on their tables. It allows for students to get settled and work to be spread out. The round top tables that you find in the infamous chain café with the green and white logo invite you in but keep you just uncomfortable enough to want to leave. The music is just a little too loud, the seats a little too uncomfortable, the temperature just a little too cold. You don't even realize you've been pulled in and repelled out in a designed amount of time.

Café Lola was the go-to for caffeine fueled study sessions. The late hours and atmosphere allowed for students from the nearby college to spread out and text their friends to stop by. While they're here, pick up a cold brew. If you're on a budget, the staff had no problem adding more hot water to your already depleted cup of tea with the soggy bag still in there.

Small tables in the front were usually available and perfect for Isis and her calculus study buddy to prep for an upcoming quiz. Notes, graded homework, and test problems the instructor has given in previous semesters were strewn about on her side and in neat, organized piles on his side. A tablet propped up facing the male and a worn-in book sat open and on display towards her in a stand.

Sunlight glowed through the broad window with a view to the quaint two-lane street. People walked by on their afternoon errands, children pulled for the candy in the window of the store next door. A combination of noises that cancelled each other out and nothing became so noticeable that it would distract a student from their progress.

Hopeful masculine eyes looked over to Isis. "Did you get what the professor was saying about natural logs in class earlier this week? I missed it and the homework isn't making any sense."

Weirdest pick-up line, but OK. Marc was barely tolerating all this noise, and warmth, and humans. If this is the kind of male she's interested in, it's a good thing Adrien is going to reject her.

A few strays that had crept out of her practical hairstyle got pushed behind her ear when she looked up to her study partner, the infamous Matt Novak.

"I don't think it'll be asked on the quiz. None of his previous first quizzes had a question about them. But here..."

And with that he was tuned out again. It was like they were speaking another language where things like territory boundaries, shifter bears, and a pending heartbreak didn't matter. Actually, must be a nice relief. Maybe he should pick up a hobby.

Seriously, how long are these two going to sit here for? It's been like an hour and a half. What's there left to learn about math? Not like he made it to calculus, but there's never been something that he wasn't able to calculate should he want to. Trig was enough, maybe even overkill.

How much does he need to tip the delivery guy at the main gate. That is all.

Maybe these two will have a long life together doing math problems on romantic dates or whatever. Good for them. Really. Can't wait until she is his problem and not an E6 issue.

Stretching his legs, he walked out. There was a back entrance, but only staff used it. He could watch from across the street to make sure she wasn't kidnapped in broad daylight.

Stepping out and leaving the budding romantic scholastic relationship behind, the first breeze of fall blew through. It wasn't cool, yet, but it brought hope that the sweltering heat and humidity would soon ease up.

A screaming child being dragged down the street would normally garner attention. But this was a regular occurrence in front of a display of wax paper wrapped colorful candies.

"You don't even like saltwater taffy!" The exasperated mother groaned as the thirty-pound bag of flesh and tears was pulled along. A toddler sized hand reaching for the goodies just beyond the glass barrier.

Isis: The E6 Breeder (Lycan Breeder Series Book No. 2)Where stories live. Discover now