Scenes 28 and 29

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Everything was blissfully sore. Her joints sang, her muscles trembled, her core... well, she's mostly healed already. Sticky stuff clung to her thighs, spreading their combined scent as well as a mild itch. Her neck was now dry, leaving clumps of curls clinging to her skin.

All this was ignored while she laid in her nest of limbs, heavy breaths, and the scent of her mates. But nature calls, and that must be addressed in the bathroom.

It was a quiet dawn. The birds knew better than to draw any attention from the recovering males. She was in a pocket of warmth, but it looked cold out in the open. The fire had long died out and she was willing to bet she was the only one who would even register a chill. They all seemed to run warmer than her.

She moved a heavy arm with red hair curled across it off her chest and then focused on the one further down. But it came back, returning to its previous position with an elbow bent under her breast. Nothing else on the owner of said arm moved as he continued with his uninterrupted sleep.

OK. This time start with the leg area. Tugging her leg away from an embrace caused Kylian to tighten his hold and readjust. His deep breathing danced across her hip as his claim to her thigh remained intact.

"Here, let me help you," Julien stood up from the couch. He crawled over his brethren, making sure to only put his weight on the bed and not on any of the males. Once near her, he hoisted her up.

Derek rolled over and pushed himself up to slither off with the two of them. Well, he couldn't care less about Julien. He was following her.

"Do you have to go to the bathroom?" Julien helped her to her feet. Damn it felt good to get some of the stiffness worked out. They were adorable but sleeping with six males was not ergonomically correct. But there were only five on the bed with her when she woke up.

Isis nodded her head. "Why were you on the couch?"

"None of us could sleep when all of us tried to sleep. We have been taking turns watching over you."

"That isn't normal," Isis whispered, trying not to wake the others and started walking towards the open door near the corner, with two of her six mates in tow.

"Did you want 'normal'? Cause nothing about our situation qualifies for that definition," Julien teased.

He was on to something. She wanted whatever this was, and however you wanted to describe it. "I just don't want you stressing so much over everyday life things, like getting out of a car... and sleeping."

It felt like most everything had settled downstairs. What was going to come out had already come out.

"I'll get you some water," Julien kissed her sticky forehead and walked out in time for Liam to saunter from the bed over to her. His thighs were striated like a sprinter's would be. She never noticed how powerful his legs were. High arches and bulbous calves moved him gracefully and quietly across the oversized rug. But his cock caught her eye. He looked like he was ready to go another round. In fact, a glance over to the still sleeping three males left got her a little worried.

"Don't worry," Derek whispered into her ear, looking at what was catching her attention. "We are demanding, but we know when to let you rest. And if we're wrong, you'll tell us, right?"

Liam reached them and dropped down, his mouth gently capturing hers. "Good morning." He smiled down on her and tried to run his fingers through her hair to no avail. "I'll get the shower started for you while you use the bathroom."

He led the way into the large space with three sinks. Grey slate covered the floors and up the walls. A drain in the middle of the floor and an open shower in the corner with several nozzles gave her the impression that privacy was not expected in this room. Thankfully there was a door to the small room with a toilet, even if there was a look of mild surprise on Derek's face when she used it.

Isis: The E6 Breeder (Lycan Breeder Series Book No. 2)Where stories live. Discover now