Scene Five

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The porch light went out on the darkened two-story house with an empty driveway. A wall of stucco and weathered trim stood in front of the pair. Her pace slowed on their approach.

"Are your parents out of town?"

That would make sense why she was without them, although it wouldn't make sense that they would leave town around such an important event. They aren't in pack leadership and there shouldn't be anything urgent enough to take them away from Isis during this time.

"They're here, somewhere."

They came to a stop and the front porch light flicked on again. The harsh illumination flooded the concrete step and imitation stone walkway that would take her home. Radial shadows were cast from the uneven finish of the masonry work, trying desperately to make it look natural.

"Who are you going to take with you next month?"

Isis continued to look at the front door hidden in the darkness as the security system pointed away from the structure.

A sigh released the tension from her deep inhale. "Honestly, I'm going to go alone." She turned and looked up at him. "You're right. I shouldn't have put Nancy in danger like that. I was being selfish."

The area was dark again. The high lumen device giving up on whatever threat it had detected earlier. She snapped back at the interruption and kept her house in her view.

Her first shift. Her first run with her wolf. Who knows if she'll get dragged off the territory by the sudden and strong presence of the spirit that lives inside her soul. Without her family to guide her and keep her connected to the territory, she could end up in another state entirely. The packs around them are considerate to trespassers during the uncontrollable first shift, but rogues won't be. Bears won't be either.

The lecture about how she needs to do this with the adults in her family wants to come out. But was that for her, or to make him feel better? Like she is unaware of her parents. And like they are unaware of her age. Do you really think that you know her situation better than she does? She brought the one person she trusted with her. Nancy would have been a good anchor, to keep her wolf connected to her pack and loved ones, but she wasn't going to be able to run with her.

His first run introduced a new era of freedom. Surrounded by his older siblings, friends, and parents, he felt his dual spirit rage through his lifeblood. He was invigorated. The wolves around him guided him, nipped at him playfully, and watched over his antics as he lost control of his form to the powerful magic that the Moon Goddess blessed her most precious creations with.

To make that run without his loved ones would have been depressing. To run through the darkness of the woods with only a stranger inside him to negotiate the terrain and dangers? Just him and the night, when he was scared for the first and last time of his life.

That's not acceptable.

Isis snapped her face towards him. Lips curled up in disgust, her eyes were hardened over. Her arm pushed away from the support he had been providing her.

He didn't mean to say that out loud. What's done is done, though.

A flash later and her guard was up. All traces of the red-hot anger he had seen just a second before were replaced with perfect composure. The distance that opened up between him and the she-wolf just an arm's length away was immense.

"It sounds like my life is not acceptable to you. Now if you'll excuse me." She turned on her heel and overcorrected. She should be fully recovered in another couple hours.

His hand griped her arm and swung her around to face him again. He closed the physical distance between him with a step. The emotional distance was not in his jurisdiction.

"Don't forget who I am," he gritted out. Eyes as dark as black peered down at her. Truth was, she didn't look like she forgot who he was, she looked like she didn't care. "I am looking out for your best interest. There is no need to be a brat."

"How fucking dare you!" Now it was Isla who encroached on what little space remained between them so her explosion could have more impact. "You think that because you are part of the alpha's elite squad that you know what's best for me? What do you know about me besides the fact that I went into a field to shift tonight with my best option? And that my best option is pathetic?"

"You were in danger, and you put your cousin in danger." Each word was punctuated with anger.

"I shouldn't have brought her, but..." Her tone shifted to a more moderate one, "I wanted someone I loved nearby. I thought she would be enough to ground me and keep my wolf from running off. But if that's the risk I have to take to keep her safe, then I'll do that next month."

This is what the team is frustrated by. This is why Adrien was out alone tonight as well. If only he had been there, she wouldn't have been left with just him defending her.

Support, don't lecture. What can you do to help that doesn't involve the arrogance of thinking you know what's best for her?

"I will be there. If you find someone you would rather shift with, I can leave. If you don't find someone, I will protect you and keep your wolf on pack grounds."

Staring into a feminine guarded expression, he wasn't sure how his proposition was received.

It doesn't matter though. He will ensure she is protected to the best of his abilities.

She gave him a slight nod of acceptance and he released her bad arm. Shit. He grabbed that one and she didn't even flinch.

This time when she turned, he watched her walk away. A light as bright as a mini sun lit up the path for her. The tussled locks and flyaway hairs glowed in the false illumination. Her halo a neon white.

Soon, the figure was absorbed into the blackness of the open door, and he was left alone. A second later, he was left in the dark.

Isis: The E6 Breeder (Lycan Breeder Series Book No. 2)Where stories live. Discover now