Scene Seven

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The heart of every E6 Compound is the War Room. The dark space was lined with maps of the territory and surrounding areas, mug shots of troublesome rogues, and a menu to a Chinese restaurant in town that would deliver to a large naked dude at the main checkpoint of the territory with no questions asked. Five stars for service. Three stars for the lo mein.

A large mahogany table that looked stronger than the foundation of most homes spread out in the middle. Detritus of conversations for shift coverages and risk analysis filled the center: Pens, notes, someone's pizza box.

Seven heavy, no-nonsense chairs were placed around the outside. Although rarely used, there was always seating for the alpha they served. It was a good reminder of his presence even when empty. Should he show up however, the table would be miraculously cleared and polished with all leftovers properly secured in the fridge.

The remaining six seats each served a different member, and should that fighter die, it will remain empty until the next crew replaces them. This wasn't the first location for this furniture and names of warriors who were assigned those chairs were carved along the back. Black enamel filled the names of those who fell short of the twenty or so years the team was formed for; Those whose chair outlasted them during their period of service.

The current collection of occupants standing around could each be on the cover of a fitness magazine. The collection of hard bodies paced and ribbed one another. The mood was nervous, tense. They had all heard. It's not gossip if it stays within the team.

Walking into the room, Adrien knew what was coming.

"So, your mate?" Kylian asked. Not a bad guy, really. A vixen of a male, his jet back hair and blue eyes were a match made to break hearts. The large barrel chest was intimidating, but Adrien knew his weaknesses. They all knew each other's weaknesses.

"Not even going to ask how I'm healing?" Adrien mock pouted and took the chair closest to him and the exit.

"You look fine. Is this attention seeking behavior?" Kylian mocked him right back.

A marker, the closest thing to Adrien that could be chucked across the room without earning the ire of Liam was airborne. Slapping the center of a chest the size of a vehicle, the wounded male crossed his hands as if the impact had been fatal.

While he was in some very dramatic death throes resulting from the Sharpie attack, Julien spoke up. "What are you going to do?"

Aid centered on the lankiest of them, Julien, with his Greek Olympian build and sharp features he looked as if he had been created by the hands of Michelangelo himself. Not that Marc would let him be touched by the likes of that hack.

Da Vinci, now that man had talent. Two words: War machines.

Not that Marc would let the inventor work on Julien either. In fact, Marc was right over his shoulder at this very moment.

Grey eyes and white hair, the only color this guy had was his skin, which wasn't much at all. Hearing he was supernatural one would automatically think vampire, ghost, albino. He isn't exactly what people think of when they imagine a werewolf.

He witnessed Julien's rejection of his mate. As much as one wanted to joke that he was there to ensure the rejection was done right and his mate was thoroughly chased off, it had been a mess. It was said to have been traumatic for all three of them. Marc will never evoke that level of heartbreak from Julien, and the only person in the world who would get jealous over that would be Marc.

"I can still work if that's what you mean. I just need to make sure I stay away from her. Sometime over the next few weeks, she'll get her wolf and then the bond can lock on and I can reject her."

There were only four other heads in there to bob in appreciation of his plan. Liam was on duty at the packhouse.

"What can we do?" Julien asked and took his seat next to Aid.

"I'm worried that if one of the two bears we ran off catches her scent, they'll associate her with me. She might become a target. Maybe I'm paranoid, maybe it's the little bit of bond I caught getting under my skin, but I can't help thinking they'll figure out something and go after her."

"It's a long shot, but you're not wrong," Julien offered while the others took their seats.

"Can you watch her for me?"

The room went real still real fast. Chair legs that had been chirping as they were dragged along the hard floor hushed, breathing went slow and shallow, fidgeting stopped entirely. The request, to watch out for someone's mate even if the bond didn't latch on fully, is precarious. Possessiveness and insecurity run strong for males under the influence of a mate bond.

The silence was deafening before he continued, "Just until I reject her after she goes through her first shift. After that, I can handle the mess I made when I let the shifters scent her and then know who I was. It'll also help keep me away from her.

"You might be able to reject her sooner," Kylian, who has not experienced this tragedy yet, offered.

"I only want to do this one time," he winced. "My wolf can only handle this once. If it doesn't take, I'm screwed."

Julien hissed in a breath, like he just got scalding hot water tossed on him. The only one in the room who has gone through a rejection. Their eyes locked onto one another, and the Greek Olympian nodded. "I'll watch her for you."

There was a chorus of grunts of approval from most of them. Marc stayed still and quiet, but he would go along.

"We'll take turns providing coverage when we aren't with Alpha Dominic and if you pick up extra time with him, it'll give us more availability. If she really is a target for the clan, it's where we should be anyway," Kylian reasoned. "So, what do we know about her?"

The somber mood turning strategic moved the team into familiar territory. Back to what they do best, develop a plan, risk assessment, and get out there. None of them wanted to be stuck in that room watching their brother crack under the pressure of the bond. This team would likely punch their goddess in the face if it meant he would return to duty.

"She graduated Northridge in June and she's enrolled at Springer Community College. Her classes are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from oh-eight-hundred to fourteen-hundred. She doesn't have a car but often gets a ride from another pack member, Matt Novak." Of course, Marc would know everything about the new development.

The growl was so light it was like a menacing purr. The focus shifted from the reconnaissance expert to the one with the pending break-up.

Kylian speaking with a more serious tone than what anyone has ever heard from him, "Maybe that's her out, you know? If he's interested in her, he can be the one to take her in after the rejection."

Canines popped out of alignment and fingers transitioned to claws. Chester came forward at the mention of someone else taking his mate. His eyes swirled and transitioned between two different colors as the battle raged between the inner wolf and the human sides.

"You know we have to let her go. We can't have her and serve our Alpha." Empathetic to his wolf, but still firm on his decision.

"She is ours."

"She is not, and she never will be."

His fully human form emerged once his wolf retreated in pain and frustration. Their conversation kept within his mind and his soul, although the effects were witnessed by the others in the room.

"We will protect her from anyone who may harm her." Derek, as yet silently observing this conversation, swore his oath to Adrien. The others chimed in with their word as well.

Chester would relax with the promise of her safety, but knowing someone who wasn't them would love her was still beyond comprehension.

Isis: The E6 Breeder (Lycan Breeder Series Book No. 2)Where stories live. Discover now