Scenes 11 1/2 and 12

627 33 1

It would be nice if one of them, just one of them, was unattractive. At this point she would settle for average. Could there be one she found un-datable?


Done. That ass.

But, that ass.

She ran away from it, giving space between whatever startled him and her, but she wouldn't have minded staying.

Maybe she could just shush him long enough to... what?

"You can stay on the couch. You don't have to run around outside. My parents aren't here..."

"Exactly." His stern eyes rested between long black hair and a black beard.

"Suit yourself," Isis waved him off. "The door will be unlocked in case you change your mind."

"Don't do that. Lock your doors." After a painful pause Kylian decided to play nice. "Please."

She nodded and soon he was walking through the extra wide exit. Did he take the sliding glass door because he doesn't fit through standard doorways?

Interrupting the flow of cold air into the house, she closed and latched the panel. Under his watchful stare she also dropped a broom stick onto the track.

Enough light switches were flipped off that she was relying on her heightened senses to make her way to the front of the house and lock that door as well. A glance over her shoulder gave her a view of an empty patio before it was out of sight and she was taking the stairs up to the second floor.

Ever since the full moon her life has been chaotic. As mad as she was at Adrien for tearing her up and then running away, she still hasn't figured out a better plan. They were in that situation because of her, and his plan worked. A few rounds of therapy and her marks will be gone. No harm done.

"Fine," she exclaimed to no one. "He was right."

What stuck the most was how her heart fluttered before and during his shift. As brash as he was, his dedication to her protection was absolute. You didn't have to be a gentleman to be good at your job when you're an E6.

But then Liam stepped in. What should have been a one-night whoopsie is now a prolonged reminder of that one night she did something foolish. She's been too embarrassed to ask around and see who else this has happened to and figure out how to get out of it.

At first she thought it was a coincidence. A big fighter always just out of sight. But the incident at the café ended that theory. Marc was scowling at her for an hour before he stormed out and then ran back when the bikers came by.

It's not that the attention was unwelcomed.

The light flipped on in the bathroom and she got the shower started. It'll take about a minute for the three gallons of cold water to clear out of the pipes anyway.

Her clothes were pushed off and revealed an expanse of light tan skin. Her naked form was impressive, even to herself. Of course anyone can nit pick this and that, but the tightness of her waist and expanse to her hips, well not everyone likes such dramatic curves but her mate will.

The image of Derek pressing against her flashed through her mind, Liam looking down on her, Kylian sneering, Marc scowling, Julien peering from a distance, Adrien throwing her down. As different as they all were, they all shared the same intensity.

"Of course, they would. That's why they're the best we have."

Her breasts lifted when she raised her arms, holding her hair in one hand, twisting and clipping it up. Would any of them even be interested in me? Well, except they are required to reject their mate.

Isis: The E6 Breeder (Lycan Breeder Series Book No. 2)Where stories live. Discover now