Scene 32

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Piles of glistening limbs were strewn about the huge memory foam topped platform. Chests inflated and deflated in the soothing rhythm of exhaustion. It wasn't a peaceful sleep, but it was a necessary reprieve.

Her heat had worn them out.

At first, it seemed too good to be true. They were able to be free with her, unconcerned about preserving her for the marathon that was having six mates. But soon the realization hit them that they were relieved when someone else would take over for each of them. Her libido was relentless as fighter after fighter went down and had to rest.

Although Marc's leg was asleep, he didn't dare do anything to wake the female currently passed out on his lap. Her hair was plastered to her neck and face, her mouth open just enough that a small amount of drool would escape and drip onto his thigh. His well-used cock was laying peacefully along her neck and chest. Nope. Everyone is just going to stay right where they are.

A glass of water appeared in his line of sight. He took it from Adrian's extended arm and nodded his appreciation. Gently, he lifted the rim to his mouth and poured the liquid down.

A shudder passed down his leg and a couple seconds later a layer of sweat appeared across the tan flesh that was blanketing his lower body. She's going to start up again soon.

Adrien's eyebrows raised and he shook his head in disbelief. "It's a good thing there are six of us. This is more intense than I thought it would be."

Pale fingers stroked her hair back and her face turned towards the digits. A smacking sound clearing up her mouth and spreading the viscous fluid around, but it sounded like she needed water. Marc eyed the water bottle with the straw that was on the nightstand and her original mate went for it.

"It is probably so intense because there are six of us. Can you get her a washcloth too?" Marc asked when her drink was handed off. 

Her scent was still strong, even with all of theirs. Each one of the fighters releasing their own unique marking smells with their mate, slathered across her skin and mixing to create a specific flavor to the air. But under it all, she was there, luring them in with every wave of hormones that would claim her and bend her to their influence.

Her arms engaged but faltered and he dragged her up his chest. Now curled into him, her face rested on his neck. Her breathing was steady, but her body was waking. A glance around and unless one of them woke up, it was up to him and Adrian to look after her.

The other fighter padded his way across the rug. His naked member swung side to side, but as soon as she gets another contraction that will change. Even the unconscious ones weren't spared the influence of their mate in needing. Their sacks becoming heavy with fluid between sessions and cocks hard once she starts to moan.

He brushed across her forehead with the damp cloth and smoothed down her neck. She let out a slight whimper and his gut tightened.

Hard to imagine that his life would bring him to where he is right now: Mated to this female with the rest of his team. It's not that he was ever repulsed by females. To the contrary, he adored them. They had a special magic that allowed them to move with confidence around the stronger sex and stay in control. Not only did they not fear those around them, they were often the ones in charge. Sure, they had a male alpha, male beta, and tended to follow patriarchal structures. How could someone not be enamored with an entire group of people who were systematically blocked from holding titles and could be overwhelmed by those around them, but still kept their power?

He, on the other hand, built himself to be the strongest, fastest, most informed male he could. What came naturally to females was something he fought for. That confidence to walk into a room and not fear for your safety, well, that was his struggle. And he wouldn't relent until he was on the team that knew no fear.

Isis: The E6 Breeder (Lycan Breeder Series Book No. 2)Where stories live. Discover now