Scene 40

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Wolves gave neigh a passing glance at the dirt bike coming through the checkpoint. He had mind linked from the crossroad that he was approaching. They could have stopped him, but word got out that he was mated and they knew better than to be an unnecessary barrier between a returning wolf and their mate.

The late afternoon sun had lost its intensity and cast a warm glow over the familiar land. He had lived here his whole life, within the territory of Crescent Valley. The chance to be one of it’s key defenders was an honor that he was reluctant to surrender the opportunity to have a mate for, but he did. Not just when he became one of the current E6, but when he rejected his own beautiful and perfect mate.

Rolling through the first sensor, the house would be alerted to his approach. They’ll have Isis secured and the gate open when he arrives.

His first mate didn’t deserve the rejection. He didn’t deserve to lose his place on the team. They are both doing well, maybe he is doing better than she is right now. Doc Amy has taken her under her wing and is giving her an enriching career. It’s up to her what she will do with her life.

That doesn’t make him feel better about the situation.

The second sensor flew past him as he maneuvered around a depression on the hillside. He decided to forgo his favorite route home to take a shorter one. One day, he’ll be less jittery about returning to his mate’s arms, but that is not today.

The brap of the bike could now be heard by the compound and the third sensor he passed is redundant to the first two. A concentric perimeter was put in with the forethought that they would have young and a breeder to protect. When they got a mate instead, an additional two were added.

Gravel crunched under the knobby tires and he slipped through the opening to inside the compound’s wall. Marc was waiting for him. A familiar sight that even with the recent changes, brought comfort to him.

“They good?” Marc asked once the bike was silenced. Julien fussed with the clip under his chin and tugged up, removing the helmet and letting air cool his wet scalp.

“Yeah. Stressed, of course, but OK. Rebecca is doing better than I thought she would.”

“She has a warrior’s heart.”

Marc took the helmet and walked next to Julien while he pushed it into the garage. The smell of gas, oil, and various cleaners enveloped them while he positioned the bike on a stand next to another one. Marc’s.

The door rolled down behind them and with the sunlight cut off, the dimmed glow of a flimsy bulb in the garage door opener cast enough light for them to make their way to the door.

“Is Isis awake?”

“Not sure. She’s holed up with Liam. I’m sure she’d be here to welcome you, but she marked him last night.”

A thump hit his sternum. She was most likely going to mark the whole team. But would Marc let her? Even if he doesn’t, he’ll still be accepted and just as close.

“Do you have any left-over food you want to drop in the kitchen before going to your room?”

“Nah, I need a shower.”

Marc continued to escort his lover, former lover, whatever, passing common areas and into the hallway where Adrien was making his way towards them.

“I’m sure you heard that Liam is still down. Debrief in the War Room at 0600?” Adrien instructed more than asked as he continued his walk. “Isis will want to know that you’re back.”

A couple steps further, Adrien looked back over his shoulder. “I’m glad you’re back. We need to get Derek and Rebecca home too before we can celebrate.”

Isis: The E6 Breeder (Lycan Breeder Series Book No. 2)Where stories live. Discover now