Chapter 1

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"Hey kid, how're you feeling?" Morgan leans against my desk holding an expression on his face that screams pitty.

"I'm fine." I shrug and stir my steaming hot chocolate.

"I hate seeing you like this, why don't you come out with us tonight? You can get plastered and forget all about that guy." That guy, that guy being my on and off boyfriend for the past four years.

"That's okay, I have plans, actually." I look down at my computer and start checking my emails, really just trying to escape the conversation.

"Oh really? What do you have going on?" He shoves my shoulder trying to get my attention back.

"There's a new series on Netflix I want to start."

"Alright, be ready at six, I'll pick you up." He walks away without giving me a chance to argue against my newly made plans.


Morgan and I walk into JJ's house. We're a bit late since Derek showed up at my house and forced me to get ready for this party I never intended on showing up to.

"Marina! I'm really happy you decided to come." I hug JJ and give Derek a glare.

"Thanks for hosting, please tell me you have booze." She laughs, although I'm desperate to not feel like shit for just one minute.

"In the kitchen." I leave our social circle making a beeline to the kitchen. A few different types of wine bottles are placed out, along with a few bottles of the stronger stuff.

I grab a plastic cup and pick my poison. I down a few shots, refill my cup, then decide to make my social rounds.

I walk out to the backyard where everyone is snacking on appetizers and chatting. I watch, waiting for any sort of motivation to hit me to jump into someone's conversation, but it never does.

"Hey, I didn't think you would be coming tonight." I hear Spencer's voice, he stands next to me.

"Neither did I, Morgan forced me. Trust me, I'd rather be in my bed, doing this." I raise my plastic cup.

"You know drinking away your pain may just lead to alcoholism." I roll my eyes at his comment.

"Who says I'm drinking away my pain?" I look up at him, his soft eyes stare down at me.

"Well, I'm assuming it's your cure for whatever happened. JJ sort of explained it to me, but anyway you shouldn't be drinking just because you broke up with your boyfriend. You... you're really... good, Marina, he's not going to be the only guy to ever love you." I ignore him and down my drink.

"Spencer, you don't just fall in love with someone, continue to love them for four years, then split and don't feel anything." He stays quiet, and I'm glad, nothing he can say will possibly make me feel better.

"Can I ask why the split?" He follows me back into the kitchen.

"He's in San Diego, obviously I'm not there. His life is there and mine is here, it just doesn't work." I lift a bottle of vodka just about to fill my cup, Spencer places his hand on top of my cup.

"That's rough, I'm sorry." I stare at him, waiting for some more comments or a solution even, but he stays silent.

"It is... thanks." I find myself having a hard time looking away from his brown eyes, he gives me his attention without me having to earn it.

"Uh, look I think I'm just going to get a lift home." I put the bottle down. I'm starting to loosen up. I hate this part of being drunk where my clumsiness is heightened. 

"Are you sure you don't want to stay?" His hand remains on top of my cup.

"I'm sure." I walk out of the kitchen, and out the front door. I pull out my phone and blink at it a few times trying to focus enough to find the right app.

"Why don't I take you home?" I look back at Spencer walking out of the house over to me.

"Oh, that's okay." I don't realize I'm leaning on him until I feel his arm go around my waist.

"I'll take you home." He walks me to his car. I lean against it while he opens the passenger door for me.

"I can do it." I say softly. 

"By the way you're slurring your words, I don't think you could." He holds my hand as I get into the car. I rest my head back on the seat and watch as he walks around the car and gets into the driver's seat.

Most of the ride to my house is quiet until Spencer decides to finally speak up.

"You know guys kind of suck." I laugh.


"They're the worst, and they suck." He looks just as confused as I am.

"What're you doing?" I continue to laugh at his attempt to cheer me up.

"I'm trying to make you feel better." He laughs with me.

"Wow, great attempt."

"I tried." He shugs,  I can see he can't hide his smile.

"Spencer, I thought I was going to marry him." We pull into my driveway.

"Well if it's meant to be, then it will be, right?" I just stare at him, not taking in whatever he just said.

He parks and gets out, then walks over to my door and opens it for me. 

"Where are your keys?" 

"Where do you think they are?" I smirk at him.

"What? Your pocket? I don't know." I dig my hand into my back pocket and pull out my key to the front door.

He reaches for it, and every time I pull it away.

"Marina, we need to get you inside." I finally hand him the key and gently push him out of my way before getting out of the car.

I shut the door, and again he helps me to my front door.

"Spence, I can walk." He opens the door, letting me in first. 

He turns on the light and looks around.

"Where's your room?"

I walk over to him, standing closer to him than I would if I was sober.

"Are you going to be alright if I leave? I don't mind staying if you want me to." I stare in his eyes, keeping me from saying anything.

I put my index fingers through his front belt loops and pull him against me.

"Woah, what're you-" I stand on the tip of my foot, and pull at his collar, lowering his lips.

I kiss him, not in any way worrying about the consequences.

I smile when he kisses back, I guide us the couch. I run my hands through his hair and I lay on my back, pulling him on top of me.

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