"April 17th." I sit back in my seat confident with my response."April 17th? ...That could work." Spencer bites his lip and takes in the date. I can tell he's mentally looking through his calendar.
We've been going back and forth hoping a wedding date would stick. April 17th is close, but we don't plan on having a big extravagant event.
"Hey, wheels up in 30, briefing on the plane." Morgan nods at me as he walks by. I glance at Spencer, and in sync we stand up and start gathering our things.
-Spencer and I board the plane. He loads our bags in the compartments above us and sits across from me.
"Where are we headed." I look over at Emily who sits next to me.
"Utah." Hotch answers for her.
The plug door is shut and our pilot alerts us we were about to take off. I feel Spencer's shoe rub against mine as he tries for my attention. I look up at him, he pushes a napkin with a pen towards me with a tic tac toe layout. I smirk and pick up the pen.
Of course the genius won, and by now we're in the sky.
"Alright, let's get started... Go ahead JJ." We all turn our attention towards JJ. By now she's obviously pregnant, which quickly takes my mind out of the briefing.
"Rose and I can do that. I figure at this point Serena will be most comfortable with women." Emily speaks for us, except I didn't know what for, I pretend to and nod.
"Good call, Reid and Morgan I want you to visit the sights where the women were last seen, try and see if there's any sort of connection geographically or by person. JJ, Rossi and I will go to the station and see what information we can start to turn into a profile.
-"I hope Serena will be willing to talk to us, she has to be in shock." Emily flips through her files as I drive.
"Can you brief me real quick? I'm going to be honest I completely zoned out on the plane." I glance over at a picture on Emily's lap. A dead body, manicured, staged.
"Basically seven women have gone missing in the past three weeks. Only one was found, unfortunately dead, but we do have a lead. Serena, her best friend is one of the missing women."
"Shit. Seven in three weeks? This could be a team, someone really charming, someone seemingly trustworthy. Is there an average age?" I pull into Serena's driveway and park.
"I'd say around mid-twenties. Youngest twenty-one, oldest twenty-seven." We undo our seatbelts and get out of the car. I ring the doorbell.
"If you lead, I'll ask the questions." I nod, Emily and I are both usually successful at gaining people's trust.
The door cautiously opens. A woman stares back at us.
"Serena Halk?" She nods.
"I'm Marina with the FBI, this is Emily. Do you mind if we come in and talk with you about Katy?" I normally wouldn't be so casual with introducing us, I just want Serena to be as comfortable as possible with us.
"Katy? Have you found Katy?" I frown at her hope and shake my head.
"We haven't found her yet, that's why we're here. You told the sheriff you were with Katy during her abduction?" She nods and slightly closes the door, shielding her home from us.
"Serena, any information you have might help us find your friend. Can you help us out?" She nods, yet still keeps the door as it is.
I nod at Emily to take over with the questions.

My Partner Against Crime
FanfictionI drop my phone on the couch and slide off my shoes. Spencer comes in holding my purse. "Where do you want this?" I point to the coffee table, he walks over and gently places it down. I walk over to him, standing closer to him than I would if I was...