We finally arrive home. I gently lay Marina on our bed.
"You didn't have to carry me, I'm perfectly capable of walking." I lay in bed next to her.
"It's a little too late for that isn't it? Anyway I have work tomorrow so I'm going to sleep." I shut the light off and shut my eyes. Before I fall asleep I hear her comment, "We have work tomorrow."
-"Spencer," Marina groans, "your alarm." I slam my hand against the obnoxious clock then roll out of bed. I walk around to Marina's side of the bed and kiss her on her forehead.
"Are you going back to sleep?"
"No, I'm coming with you." I attempt to walk away, but Marina's hand catches my arm.
"Come here." Her small hands lay gently on both of my cheeks. Her kisses are rougher than I would expect at seven in the morning.
"What're you doing?" I pull back and look at her.
"Please, I'm finally starting to feel better."
-Late. We're late because I let Marina talk me into morning sex.
I rush into the building looking like a mess. No doubt I have sex hair, and three of my top shirt buttons are undone. We get into an elevator and Marina attempts to fix my hair while I quickly work at the buttons.
I hold her hand as I fast walk and pull her along into the conference room. Everyone stares at us, Morgan has a smug look. I ignore them and stare down at my file. Garcia continues with the presentation yet I can't pay attention. I look over at Marina who squints her eyes and rubs her temple. I dig though my bag and pull out a pair of sunglasses, I hand them to her.
She silently thanks me and puts them on.
"Reid, Emily, you two go to the site start a profile. Wheels up in thirty."
I sit away from everyone on the plane. I try my best to focus on my case file and not fall behind just because of some head injury. Hotch comes over and sits across from me.
"You alright?" I give him a thumbs up, not wanting to hurt my head by nodding.
"Listen, I think it would be best that you hang back. I've already assigned everyone their jobs and since Garcia is coming with us she'll be staying at the police station, I want you to stay with her, alright?" I'm even upset like I typically would be. "Alright."
Marina and I check into our hotel room and almost immediately go to sleep.
-I shoot up in bed only to face the pitch black room. I turn the lamp on that's placed on my bedside table and sit on the ground beside the bed.
My alarm clock reads 4:17 am. I know I'm not going to be able to fall back asleep so I get dressed, grab my case file and head to the hotel lobby. I'm pleasantly surprised to find a nice seating area as well as a large, modern fountain in the center of the large area.
The more and more I look over the case the heavier my eye lids get. Slowly but surely I pass out.
-"Reid." Someone firmly says my name. I'm exhausted so I ignore it and kept my eyes shut.
"Reid." Again says a firm voice followed by a shove on the shoulder.
Reluctantly I sit up, I open my eyes to face Hotch, and the rest of the team.

My Partner Against Crime
FanfictionI drop my phone on the couch and slide off my shoes. Spencer comes in holding my purse. "Where do you want this?" I point to the coffee table, he walks over and gently places it down. I walk over to him, standing closer to him than I would if I was...