Chapter 3

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I stare at Prentiss as she interrogates our suspect. At this point Sam has been in custody for nearly five hours, the team hasn't let him sleep, meaning neither have we.

I hear the door open and close but I don't bother looking to see who it is.

"Hey, I got you some tea." Spencer stands next to me holding out a warm to-go cup.

"Oh, thank you." I smile at him and gently mess up his hair.

I look back to Emily, my eyes widen at Sam standing up, with his hands still handcuffed to the metal table. He crazily states at Emily as he starts yelling at her. I quickly put down my cup and run into the room with Emily.

"Sam, you need to calm down." He switches his gaze onto me.

"Fuck you! I'm tired of being here, I'm tired of the same fucking questions asked by different people! You still know nothing!" His hands pull up, trying to break free of his cuffs.

"I know nothing?" I hold up my injured hand. "I know that you did this to me, and if you were innocent you probably wouldn't have done this, or immediately bolted from us." I cross my arms satisfied at his defeated face.

"I didn't know who you were... I thought you were breaking in..." I roll my eyes and move closer resting my hands on the steel table.

"Cut the bullshit, just admit you did it. It'll be so much easier for you if you just give yourself up. I mean we already have agents raiding your place as we speak, so trust me, either way we'll get what we want." I watch at he looks back and forth between Emily and I.

"Tomorrow I'll be all over the news, then I'll win. I fucking killed them, and I'm not afraid to do it again. You might put me away but they'll be people who stand with me, and continue on for me."

I smile at him, then look over at Emily.

"Looks like it's time to go home." A pair of officers enter the room taking Sam with them. I walk out to Spencer leaning against the wall.

"Nice job, I just wish he had his arrogant moment five hours ago." He stands up straight and walks out of the room, I grab my tea and follow.

I walk over to my desk and put on my jacket.

"We're all going to JJ's, you in?" I look up to not only see Garcia but the rest of the team looking hopeful.

"I can't." Garcia rolls her eyes.

"What's going on with you? You never hang out with us anymore."

"I... I have a date." I figure there's no point in trying to come up with some lie. Everyone seems surprised.

"Tell me everything!" I laugh at her enthusiasm.

"We're both pretty busy, but we're both free tonight so..."

"Is he tall? Hot? Rich?" Hotch puts his hand on her shoulder as a way to tell her to shut up.

"Best of luck on your date, Rose." I smile at him

"Thank you, you guys have fun." Garcia squints and turns towards Spencer.

"What about you boy genius." He pauses for a moment, clearly thinking of an excuse.

"I'm going to call my mom."

I know we're in the clear when everyone heads towards the elevator and piles in. As soon as they disappear Spencer speaks up.

"You're talking about me, right?" I smirk at his uncertainty.

"Yes, have anything in mind you want to do?"

"We can finally watch that movie." He raises his eyebrows in anticipation of my answer.

"Fine, let's go." He smiles widely and picks up his bag, and mine.

We walk to the elevator hand in hand.

"Are you hungry?" He asks and allows me to get in the elevator before him.

"Do you have food at your place?"

He bites his lip in thought.

"Are you good with cereal?" I laugh, knowing he can't cook for shit.

"Yeah, that sounds good."


We arrive at Spencer's apartment, I take a step back and wait for him to unlock the door.

Most of the time he comes to my house, I have much more space and I don't have books scattered all over the place.

He swings the door open and gently pushes on my back guiding me in. I flip on the lights and look around, not at all surprised by the mess.

I move a few books off the couch and onto the bookshelf, then sit down.

"So what'll it be? Lucky Charms or Froot Loops?" I look at him in the kitchen as he gets out two bowls from a cabinet.

"I think I'll have to go with Froot Loops, I hate marshmallows." His eyes widen.

"What! Well... that's a deal breaker I'm sorry, I just can't be with a crazy person."

I move from the couch to the kitchen.

"Crazy is a deal breaker? Maybe you should take a look around your apartment, you look like you're trying to overtake the world with your knowledge." I stare up into his eyes, he places the bowls on the counter.

"Maybe I can deal with crazy." He leans down to kiss me, then begins serving our cereal.

We sit on his bed watching a movie that requires subtitles. I'm surprised by how into the movie I am, or how much Spencer likes romance.

"Are you enjoying it?" He looks down at me. "We can watch something else if you-"

"No, I really like it. It kind of makes me jealous though, I mean who gets to marry a guy like that, he's actually gorgeous." I said, looking for a reaction.

"You." I laugh at his response and move closer to him.

"Oh right, I forgot we were married, my bad." He lowers himself on the bed and holds me against his warm body.

"Wow, you're really cold... You know the best way to get warm quickly is skin to skin contact. That's a fact." I smile, and close my eyes.

"That's a fun fact."

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