We all get back on the jet around eleven in the morning. As it's nearing Christmas it's freezing. I stare out the frost covered window.
"Woah, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." I look at Morgan who sits across from me pointing out my bad mood. I glance over at Aaron who frowns.
"Is everyone doing something for Christmas?" Rossi questions. I haven't even thought about Christmas plans, I figured Spencer and I would just visit my family in California but I don't know if that's the best thing for him right now.
"Well if you're not, my mansion is open to you." He smugly smiles.
"Henry hasn't seen Jack in a while, it'll be a nice little reunion." JJ aimes at Hotch who seems more than pleased.
"What about the two love birds?" He aims at me. I look at him, he smiles and nods.
"I don't know if we can make it this year."
-Usually it feel great being home, I usually feel relieved and accomplished and I'm ready to enjoy a day off, but this time I sit in my parked car in the garage.
I know Spencer's home, he left me a voicemail last night letting me know he was coming home from the hospital.
I finally get out of my car. I open the trunk and grab my bag, then go inside.
I drop my bag in the laundry room.
"Spencer?" I call, no answer. I walk upstairs to our bedroom. Again I call out for him and again there's no answer. I pull out my phone and call him.
"Hello?" I hear people in the background.
"Where are you?" I walk back downstairs.
"I'm at our new neighbors house. How's the case?" His voice is upbeat.
"I'm home, I just got home."
"Why don't you come over here, they really want to meet you." I sigh, usually I would be more than thrilled to meet our new friends, but I really just want to be home and think about what the hell I'm doing.
"Sure, I'll be right over." I hang up and leave the house. I walk across our icy front yard over to the neighbors. I'm not sure if I should just walk in, so I go with knocking.
Spencer opens the door, he looks normal and happy, as if he wasn't carried out of our house on a stretcher days ago.
"Hey you." He pulls me in for a kiss. His lips feel hot against mine, probably because I was just outside in the freezing weather.
"Hey..." He grabs my hand and pulls me over to our neighbors. I smile and they stand up.
"Hi, I'm Marina, it's nice to meet you." The woman gives me a hug first, then her husband.
"I'm Anna, this is my husband Dave. Oh and these are our kids, Mikey and Jake." She gestures towards the two young boys playing on the living room floor.
"Hello." They smile at me, their small hands wave back.
We all sit in the living room chatting.
"So do you guys have any kids?" Spencer answers before I can.
"Not yet, we're both in the FBI, it's kind of hard for us to be able to have kids right now." I smile, except inside I feel guilty, selfish even. I'm almost upset at the fact Spencer said not yet, as if I'm going to quickly change my mind and pop out children.
"Wow the FBI, huh? Dave works in reality and I'm a stay at home mom but I also have my license so." A young girl comes and joins us in the living room.

My Partner Against Crime
FanfictionI drop my phone on the couch and slide off my shoes. Spencer comes in holding my purse. "Where do you want this?" I point to the coffee table, he walks over and gently places it down. I walk over to him, standing closer to him than I would if I was...