I enter the room with Derek close behind me. The room is mainly white with metal tables and two large refrigerators. Only one person is in the room with us, he has his back towards us.
He's a pretty average height and weight, he doesn't seem to be someone who's physically fit enough to move those bodies. Derek shuts the door behind him, catching the attention of the man. He jumps and starts laughing before he even turns to see us. He turns around with an unusually large grin.
"Hello... newbies... penguins... we're feeding them, let's go." He starts clapping almost as if he's cheering us on. We move closer to him. He immediately hands us each a metal bowl with small, dead fish.
"Penguins are my favorite to feed, they get so excited." I look over at Derek to see his reaction of this crazy penguin feeder.
"Oh! I'm Leo, ironically I'm a Leo, you know, the star shit?" I awkwardly laugh.
"Right... I'm Marina." I don't bother shaking his hand since I'm holding a bowl of fish. Derek effortlessly holds his bowl with one hand, and extends his other out to Leo.
"Derek." I can see Leo hesitate to shake Derek's hand. Leo isn't exactly a small guy, but Derek's certainly bigger.
"Right on, well let's get you introduced to the pengos. Follow me." He walks us over to a door across from the one we came in through. I'm more than surprised when the door takes us right into the penguin enclosure.
I try my best not to panic. Not because I'm scared, but because I was overwhelmed by the cuteness of them all. I look back at Derek and make a face showing I can't contain my excitement. He laughs at me, while simultaneously looking scared of the penguins. Derek Morgan, scared, of penguins.
"Alright kiddos, there are twelve of these guys so, basically what you're going to do is sprinkle some fish here and there. Feel free to hand feed, be a bit careful since they are quite excited. Let's do it." Without further instruction he begins tossing fish into the water, and into the penguin's mouths. They start gathering around us and squaking nonstop. I now panic over the sound and army of penguins. I throw fish away from myself and don't even attempt to hand feed one.
"There you go! Get down. They love when you get on their level!" Leo's more than overjoyed with the uproar. I slowly sit on the ground which is thinly layered with ice. That's when the penguins run at me. Their little arms flapping and their mouths stay wide open. I try my best to toss fish into or even near their mouths. Leo comes over to me, I expect him to sit down next to me, but he stands over me. Right behind me. I can feel the tip of his boots on my back.
"Alright, that's enough." Derek helps me up, and without saying another thing Leo guides us back into the food prep room.
"Alright. Derek? You're not much help, but we can work on that." He once again wears a large grin.
"What's next." Derek crosses his muscular arms.
"Right, well, let's get a move on then." He brushes against me as he walks by, then guides us out of the room and back into the public. He slows and walks next to me.
"You know, you're pretty lucky to be working here. It's like being VIP everyday." He says proudly, "If you want I can give you a special tour. Give you a real one on one with the animals." I nod.
"That sounds amazing, I'd love to." His smirk grows wider as he stares down at me.
"That's right. How about you ditch the big guy and I can give you a real experience."
"Okay." If this guy is our unsub, I know exactly what he's capable of. Except I'm not in his MO.
Suddenly he stops at another door. He types the pin into the keypad and holds the door open for me.

My Partner Against Crime
FanfictionI drop my phone on the couch and slide off my shoes. Spencer comes in holding my purse. "Where do you want this?" I point to the coffee table, he walks over and gently places it down. I walk over to him, standing closer to him than I would if I was...