"What's your point?" I look up at Derek with my arms crossed.
"My point, is he knows the area, he knows the people, he knows where everyone lives. In order to really figure out if the unsub is using this group to get close to his victims, we need to be on the inside." I stare down at the bag of pins showcasing the club logo. How could a single neighbor pull this off?
Derek's phone rings, he quickly pulls it from his belt and answers, putting it on speaker and setting it down on the table.
"Tell me something good, P."
"Your wish is my command, it's called Weston's Vineyard. It's some secret club for rich families in Weston, basically. Peter Siki is the guy you're looking for."
"How do we get in?" Derek's height forces him to look down at me.
"Well, apparently you need to be invited by a member, or really you just need one of the pins, under black light they form a symbol. These rich people are insane." He picks the phone back up.
"Alright, thanks mama." He hangs up and slides the phone back on his belt.
"I guess we'll just have to use these." I hold up the back full of pins.
"We just need to figure out when and where."
-I loosely hold onto Morgan's arm as he guides us to the entrance into the massive mansion in which the party is held.
"Holy shit," slips from my mouth in awe of the home.
"Pins." A large man dressed in a suit stood at the door holds up a flashlight. I shift to show my pin which is attached to the left side of my dress. He flashes the purple light onto it, a circle with three stars surrounding light up. He flashes his light onto Morgan's, then ushers us in.
"This place is insane." We walk into the well lit mansion. I look over at Hotch who's dressed in a tux with his arm around Emily.
"Alright, Morgan and Marina, you two take the back, Prentiss and I will stay in the front." It's loud, I have to focus on what he's saying to hear him through the ear piece.
We know who we're looking for. A rather average man, not tall but not short, not too thin but not fat. I still don't see how a single guy could have pulled this off on his own.
Morgan and I continue to walk around the mansion. I quickly try my best to scan for our unsub, it blows my mind how many people that can fit into the place.
"Shit, I'm not seeing him." I can feel Morgan's muscles tighten in frustration.
"Ladies and gentlemen, find your seats." I look around as the crowd heads in the same direction. Morgan and I follow. It doesn't take long for everyone to be seated and the room to quiet down. A large stage is set up in the, what I assume is the living room. I stand in the back looking through the crowd, Morgan still at my side. Hotch and Prentiss stand across the room from us.
"Alright, alright, let's settle down. I know we have been through a lot these past few weeks, mourning the loss of our neighbors." I tune out the speech and continue searching for Peter.
"Look at the stage." I look up at Hotch, as his eyes meet mine I shift toward the stage. There he is, drawing everyone's attention toward him.
I roll my eyes as his speech drags on, after minutes he finally raises his wine glass and steps off the stage. Our straight path to him is quickly blocked by the dismissal of guests.
"Anyone have eyes on him?" I ignore the question and push my way towards the stage. Peter disappears behind the stage, and heads up the large staircase.

My Partner Against Crime
FanfictionI drop my phone on the couch and slide off my shoes. Spencer comes in holding my purse. "Where do you want this?" I point to the coffee table, he walks over and gently places it down. I walk over to him, standing closer to him than I would if I was...