I wake up in the middle of the bed, bringing my memory back to when Spencer was in rehab. I sit up and slide off the edge of the bed. I walk to the bathroom and grab my toothbrush quickly putting it under the running water and squeezing on toothpaste.
I walk back out to the bedroom, suddenly realizing what's missing. I go out to the loft and look out to the living room. No sign of him. I rinse my mouth clear of any toothpaste and grab my phone. I have a few miscellaneous texts, nothing from Spencer.
As I pull up his contact, I hear the garage open. I quickly change out of my work clothes and put on Nike shorts and an FBI T-shirt, the soft ones they give you while in the academy. I rush down the stairs to see Spencer dropping onto the couch.
"Where have you been?" My presence clearly startling him.
I frown at his appearance. The darkness around his eyes was deep, his hair an absolute mess, and his face sporting scruff.
"I didn't know you were coming home." I move to stand across from him as he lounges on the couch.
"Okay... Where were you? Isn't your trial tomorrow?"
"Yeah, shit, it is." He pulls the throw blanked onto himself, my words clearly not phasing him.
"Were you out all night?"
"No, no. I mean, technically yes... I went over to Dave's and had a few drinks and I guess I just passed out on the couch, like I said, I didn't know you were coming home."
"So... You drink too much and pass out at your neighbor's house on a school night when they have three kids and work. You're saying you guys got so drunk you passed out." How can he think this sounds believable, maybe if I didn't know Dave and Anna, then maybe.
"No, just me. I over did it."
"That's so embarrassing Spencer. We should send them something and apologize."
"No!" I furrow my brows at his sudden change of tone.
"No, sorry I just mean I'll take care of it. It's my fault."
"Are you going to do anything today?" I say, staring at his limp body on the couch.
"I have a package to send my mom, I should probably do that at some point." He says, not bothering to open his eyes.
-While Spencer naps on the couch I go over to Anna's house, happy she's home for lunch.
"Hey! I'm glad you're alive." She squeezes me tightly and giggles.
"When did you get back?"
"Just last night, I passed out as soon as I got home. How was your night? Did my well mannered husband take all of your booze?" She flashes me a confused look and shakes her head.
"Dave and I had a sitter last night, we went out for a dinner and a movie for the first time in forever. What happened with Spencer?" My heart slightly drops, of course he would lie.
"Spencer babysat?" I almost hoped for a yes, but that still doesn't explain why he looks like such a mess.
"No, we haven't seen him in a few days. Is everything alright?"
I sigh and close my eyes.
"What's going on?" I open my eyes to my concerned friend.
"I think he's relapsing." I bite on the inside of my cheek stoping myself from crying. This is so fucked up.
"What? What makes you think that?" I know she probably assumes the same, she know about Spencer and I's long history.
"You should see how he is right now... Alright, I should go, I'll let you enjoy your moment with no kids." I smile, hoping to lighten the moment.

My Partner Against Crime
FanfictionI drop my phone on the couch and slide off my shoes. Spencer comes in holding my purse. "Where do you want this?" I point to the coffee table, he walks over and gently places it down. I walk over to him, standing closer to him than I would if I was...