I walk into Hotch's office with Spencer following close behind me. He looks up from his desk and furrows his brows. Spencer closes the door behind us.
"Is there something I can help two you with?" I sit on one of the chairs in front of his desk, Spencer stands behind me.
"I just got a call from social services in Massachusetts, the kid, Marshall-"
"Marshall Walsh." He cuts me off. "Is he alright? What does Reid have to do with this?"
"Well, he wants me to be his guardian, Spencer is going to come with me if you allow us to go." He looks back and forth between Spencer and I.
"Reid, do you mind stepping out for a minute?" Spencer looks down at me, I nod, then walks out.
"Tell me what's going on. You and Spencer and wanting to adopt that boy?" He looks extremely confused, and I don't blame him.
"I know it sounds crazy, but he needs someone, and he needs to get out of that city, I knew that when I met him. He needs a new start, and I don't know, we work well together, and I really think I can handle it." He nods.
"Where does Spencer fit into all of this?" I look out the window at him, he went to his desk. He's leaning back in his chair and looking at us, and of course, quickly pretends to be doing something else when we notice.
"Well we were married, well really we still are, but when I first wanted to bring Marshall back with me, and he was with me when I got the call about this. We're good for each other right now, and you know more than anyone about our relationship but you also have seen the best part of it. I think he's really improving, rehab helped him, his addiction is the reason our relationship fell apart, and right now... right now I need him." I take a deep breath after unloading all of that.
"Are you planning on going today?" I nod.
"Okay, if you're so sure about this, go ahead. Just keep me updated? And if Marshall needs a friend, he has us, and Jack." I bite my lip to stop myself from smiling so widely.
"Thank you." He nods and I practically run out to Spencer.
"So?" I pinch his cheeks.
"Let's go."
We pack up our things and head out of the building.
"So what's next?" He looks down at me.
"Go home, pack, meet me at my place, I'm going to pack and buy our tickets." He frowns.
"No, I can get-"
"Shh." I raise my finger to his mouth. He sticks his tongue out.
"Ew, really?" I wipe my finger on him and we split up.
-Once I get home I make sure to get our tickets first. Thankfully our flight is only about two hours. I pull out a fairly small suitcase, I don't intend to be there more than two days, one night.
I take my luggage out to my car, and as I close the trunk my phone rings. Eli.
"Hello?" I answer expecting to be apart of an aimless phone conversation.
"Where are you?" I go back inside and open my fridge.
"I'm at my house, right now. I'm going to fly out to Massachusetts in about an hour." I pull sandwich supplies, I'm hungry and I figure Spencer is too. I put my phone on speaker and lay it on the kitchen counter.
"Massachusetts? How long are you gone for?" I hear the garage door open, it's either Eli or Spencer.
"I'll call you later, bye." I quickly hang up and smile as Spencer walks in.

My Partner Against Crime
FanfictionI drop my phone on the couch and slide off my shoes. Spencer comes in holding my purse. "Where do you want this?" I point to the coffee table, he walks over and gently places it down. I walk over to him, standing closer to him than I would if I was...