Feelings 3/4 lemon chapter

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Kiri's POV

Time.........couple minutes before meeting someone close to her

Ugh I can't believe Spider is being too clingy I just want some me time but no he has to keep hanging around "huff"

I should try meditating to calm my nerves. Sitting down on the ground I slow my breath down.

Oh eywa please be with me during this time with people coming in from all of Father's attacks on RDA it becomes a bit stressful to deal with, especially with Spider recently he became a close friend to me but could get a bit annoying. from time to time


Opening my eyes I quickly got up and looked around seeing nothing till it happened again this time closer till I saw a helicopter I should probably head back and tell Dad about this.

Inner mind?: I should find out what it is before heading back

Y-yes'm right I should find out what is going on first. Trying to catch up I hopped over a couple of the tree roots and slid under some as well a couple of feet away I could make out the helicopter's landing.

Crouching down I head over to a bush and move it slightly to get a view of what is happening.

There seemed to be a man in front of the door talking to him about something it was too hard to hear from the wind being pushed through the wings

The man gave the other man a wave as the helicopter was taking off. I slowly walked away from the man as he was just standing there.


Looking down at the sound I see that I had stepped on a leaf. I feel my blood going cold quickly looking back at the men. I saw that he was looking over in my direction and was walking over here.

I quickly climbed the tree that was close to the bushes. After reaching the branch I perch on it looking down at him.

He looked around the area after a couple of minutes he gave up and went back
Grabbing his bag he walks into the cave.

I should probably leave now because it is not safe to stay close to here.

Inner mind?: I need to learn what he is doing here.

Hopping down to the ground I walk over to the cave entrance. Looking inside there was a building with a small tent next to it.

Walking in a couple feet the tent entrance opens up panicking.

I ran back outside the cave. Hopefully, he did not see me, it would be a good idea to wait for him to leave the cave himself looking around.

I walk over to a tree and climb it. It was a solid spot as  they would not see me from when they were leaving

After a couple of minutes of waiting, I was about to try going back inside but suddenly an avatar showed up out of nowhere. He started to walk into the forest.

walking along the branches doing my best to not get caught.

After a couple of minutes with my window closing I decided to try shooting my arrow at him.

Taking it out I pull the strings back while putting the arrow in place. While he is busy looking around random thing

Taking a quick breath in I aim it at him just as I am about to shoot him a Woodsprites comes out of nowhere and lands on the tip of the arrow.

It's.....protecting him? Does ewya want him to live? Whatever it is, she wants me not to kill him. I think now is a good time to head back and tell Father but would he listen to me?

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