Chapter 6 - Take Point

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I had needed to find help over the years since he died in my arms, and it had been hit and miss quiet literally for a long time.

I had this burning desire to be with him but always remembering that relief I felt when I pulled that gun barrel out of my mouth when his belated text message saved me once more.

I had alot of pain and at some point I had to make peace with the fact that I would always have it with me and maybe in some part it was a reminder that he was real and our time together was real.

But I was always ready for the monsters, even though they were slain in front of my eyes, I could always feel as if evil was nipping at my ankles.


' Come on Kat, don't slack of now !' A mans voice shouted at me , full of power.

'Keep fucking saying that!' I snapped back , my gaze razor focused and the sweat gathering on my brow.

' Come on Kat, you can hit fucking harder than this and I know it, don't waste my time !' The man snapped back and it just egged me on further.

'GRRRRRRRR FUCK OFF !!!' I yelled as I planted one more punch on the pads in front of me and watched as the man just grinned at me and loosened the pad from his hands.

'No need to look so pleased with your Jenson!' I joked back as I took a few steps back and rolled my wrists and slowly cracked my neck.

'Well Kat ....its that odd period between Christmas and New Year, so no one is here, I just like making you angry ' Jenson joked back and sat on the concrete surround of the windows of his studio.

His name was Jenson Pugh , he was a self defense trainer I had met when Aera was 6 months old when he gave a presentation at a community centre , and it struck a point with me.

'Well I had the urge to hit something , this time of year gets to me , as you know' I said back to Jenson with a little sorrow in my gaze which he noticed.

'The monsters are in your head again?' Jenson said as he walked towards me and handed me an ice cold water as I sat on the same chair I had sat on after many a session and just spilled my worries to him, and we had formed a friendship over the years.

'Yeah just flashbacks keep messing with my head, and I do everything I was taught and I am still in that shower , water running ...' I explained and Jenson just nodded.

He didn't know the full ins and outs , no one did, they knew enough about Namjoon to know I lost him and he was murdered , or to those I didn't want to hurt with the word, I would say he was hurt in an accident and I had lost him.

' Then we put those Monsters in the ground with every move we take here Kat, we take the power back and we realise that they never had the power to begin with ' Jenson said , his ever loving mantra to me.

'I know, I know , its just ...........' I said and paused in thought.

'A little almost 4 year old reminder ......who gives the best high fives ' Jenson said and smiled as he and Aera got on well when she would bump into him in the street markets near where we both lived.

'Ah yes , your little buddy, getting older and I just worry about the day the questions start coming when the make believe story melts away' I said , slowly sipping my water and resting my elbows on my legs after sweeping my sweaty hair out of my face.

'Well the Monsters are your past Kat, and that little hero, like her Mother is the future ' Jenson said as he stood firm and looked at me with his caring eyes.

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