Chapter 29 - Blue Side

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It was a relatively mild spring evening, which I was grateful for given the fact I was showing a lot more skin than I usually did, but I was finally feeling excited having lost that mutton dressed as Lamb feeling after I had come down my stairs and giggled at Ella trying to negotiate the steps as the Tequila hit her more and more.

'OK, now what...did you want me to call you a taxi?' I said to Ella, going to reach inside my bag for my phone.

'It's ok ..just wait!' Ella said giggling to herself.

'Ella the club is about 2 miles away, what are you on about?' I said sounding confused.

It was a clear night and the sky was sprinkled with stars and the moon clung to the darkness in the distance.

'Here it is' Ella said perking up and watching my gaze turn.

'Oh my god didn't !' I said shocked as a Silver limousine pulled up by the curb,I could hear the hubbub inside and Ella just laughed under her breath.

'Well, technically I didn't.....technically we all did, we chipped in, and also one of Charlie's friends on his pub snooker team works for them so we pulled in a favour!' Ella said still fixed on my shocked face.

'I can't .....this is too much!' I exclaimed, but feeling happy all the same.

'Yes, you get in the car you dick!' Ella laughed as she nudged me to open the door.

I opened the door and the sounds of celebration spilled out as well as the glints of a glitter ball going round and round and the torrent of laughter drew me into the car, whilst trying to protect my dignity in this short as-hell skirt.

'Happy birthday!!' Everyone yelled and I felt a glass of something fizzy being placed in my hand.

There they were, my rabble, my friends, the little family I had made when I built my life back up from nothing over the past 5 years.

'Happy Birthday Kat...I can't believe this is a real limo!' Fran squealed as I sat down next to her, all dressed up in her tie-dye body con dress with her hair up in ringlets.

'I had no clue honestly' I answered and just smiled at all my friends and felt the love in this small but festive place and felt the car leave as we drove off the pavement.

'Happy Birthday ....Party party yeah!' Hobi laughed and clinked my glass of what I now knew was Champagne. He was dressed in acid wash jeans with a fitted white shirt on, and a very fluorescent shirt peaking from underneath and I spotted his face, and no doubt Charlie had roped him into applying some type of glitter to his cheekbones.

'I am so glad you could make it Hobi, It wouldn't have been right without you here' I said squirming in my seat still trying to find comfort in the outfit I was wearing without trying to flash the whole car.

'Well old girl....this is your night, you are free for an evening, so have fun, drink a lot as we are all paying for it for you, and dance until those amazing heels are on fire' Charlie demanded and oh he sure was the picture as always.

Bright pink fluorescent jeans and a tight-fitted matching shirt and he somehow had found sunglasses frames and they were the same colour.

'Charles you look like a telly tubbies love child....or something I drink when I am nauseous' I laughed and the others in the car found it funny too.

'You are just jealous I look amazing' Charlie rebutted.

'Well, Charles you are welcome to try this skirt on if you drink enough!' I laughed and Charlie nodded, draped his arm around his wife sipped the champagne and smiled at me and winked, that wink that a big brother bear gives to let you know everything is ok.

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