Chapter 39 - Summertime

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Dating was a new kettle of fish in my forties but so far so good, I was enjoying the sweetness of this new chapter without the weighted expectation of more.

Of course, I fancied Hobi a lot and would love to jump his bones every time we get a chance to be alone, but I have to trust his reasons for not rushing, I don't want to ask but I do want to know, but knowing the kind man he is, he wouldn't be doing this if he didn't have some reasons for it.

I guess this means I have graduated to becoming a real grown-up...who would have thought it.


This summer has heated up in many ways, we are now in the last week of July and I cannot believe it but my little girl has finished Nursery school today and will start proper school in the Autumn, she seems so big but still so tiny, it is like I blinked and she went from screaming newborn to a feisty 4-year-old with curiosity and imagination bigger than her stature.

But dear god it is hot, we have the heatwave of all heat waves right now and in typical British fashion everyone is moaning about it and we can't cope.

As a forty-year-old single mum, I guess I get a pass for wanting to do laps around the chilled section of the supermarket to enjoy the coldness, oh the little pleasures in life.

I can't help but have my mind go back to those times when me and Yoongi my little feline friend would sit out on the balcony and just chat, even if it was just me talking. Him sitting licking his groin and ignoring me, I guess even all these years later I still miss that little dude and my heart still hurts in silence about how he left this world, his last actions were him frantically trying to protect me in his way.

Maybe it is the reason deep down I haven't let Aera have a pet, I have been dealing for years in silence with the fallout from those times, and I don't think anyone could cope with the true story about my old fluffy pal, so for now he sits in the happy spots of my memories.


'Why is it so hot !' Fran exclaimed for the 29th time today, fanning herself at the desk opposite my open door.

'I swear you are like an echo' I laughed as I stretched in my seat and readjusted my hair into a clip so my neck didn't turn into even more of a sweaty mess.

I had to always dress professionally even if purple publishing was very casual in its approach to everything, but today some linen black trousers that let the air in and out and a white cami top with my necklace with pendants I had on it, resting in its place.

'You ready for the meeting ?' Fran asked after sipping her water.

'Yeah I guess, it is just the end of the month summaries and of course, sitting across from Toad is always a treat and I would love to be able to throw shit at him and remind him that my eyes are actually in head and not on my chest' I frowned and sighed.

'He is ewww....and even in this weather......sweaty....' Fran said with visible disgust.

I nodded in agreement but then saw my desktop ping with the message from the heads of department that it was now time to go up.

'Well once more we go my dear Fran' I sighed and grabbed my water from the corner of my desk as we both peeled ourselves out of our office chairs to head upstairs.


'Well firstly thank you for attending....I know this weather is less than ideal at the moment' Mr Hatler said as he spoke to the group.

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