Chapter 8 - 1st of the 1st

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This evening had been insane and right now felt all too surreal, but in the darkness smiles were forming and Aera was having one of the best time ever.

I couldn't fathom how Hobi was standing in my Living room right now, my friend who had been sending me texts over Christmas and we had spoken to on video chat a little oveer 2 weeks ago was now laughing and hugging my 3 year old who was about to burst with excitement.


'Hi everyone......I am Hoseok......or Hobi if it's easier ?' Hobi smiled and softly bowed his head to my curious friends in my living room who were all as confused as I looked.

'Bo are at my house !!' Aera said as she just sat in Hobi arms against his chest and she seemed fascinated like a small magpie at the shiny buttons on the top of his shirt when she wasn't smiling with him.

'Well Princess Aera I thought you and Mama could do with a suprise' Hobi smiled.

'Aera Baby...Maybe Bo Bo would like to sit down?' I said as I softly stroked her back to get her attention, something I had done since she was small and she knew I needed her attention.

'Ok Mama I get down' Aera sighed as Hobi then gently put her down and she went and sat with Uncle Charlie.

'Hobi.......Sorry....I am just are ?' I said shocked and just sat down on my sofa and Hobi followed and sat down, with the look on his face knowing he was facing a barage of questions.

'Well I am here for work actually ?' Hobi said , making sure he was looking at everyone in the room.

My heart felt like it dropped, only he and I knew the work he did and the way we met and the sound of 'work' from his voice , made those demons in my head twitch a little.

'Oh what work do you do Hobi......and would you like a drink we've got plenty here ....hopefully still cold ?' Jenson said as he rubbed his hands on his jeans before standing up and going to my fridge which was open game to everyone.

'Well .....oh that would be lovely .......just a soft drink will do ....if thats ok' Hobi answered and then looked at me for approval.

'Ok cool we have some sprite ....will that do ?' Jenson said as his head bobbed in and out of the dark refridgerator door.

'Perfect in fact' Hobi responded but a name escaped him.

'Jenson!' Jenson answered smiling and he walked over and handed the cold can to Hobi who lightly bowed his head in acceptance.

'Well um yeah work.....I've been asked to do some security work....Cyber Security for some Banking firms in the Financial District here and well.....a change of scenery is nice , so I have actually moved here!' Hobi said his voice half excited but also wary of how I would react.

'You are living here now ?' I said suprised and all the time catious that I didn't arouse any suspicion from any of the other guests , as myself and Hobi were the only ones who knew the full story.

'You live with Yuki !!' Aera piped up and clapped at Hobi in happiness.

'Yes Princess , Yuki is here but she is at the vets right now to make sure she is all ok and then she will come and live with me!' Hobi smiled and answered Aera knowing this was probably the sweetest question he would get today.

'Is Yuki your daughter Hobi ?' Ella asked having not heard the full part about the vets as she was scrambling around in my kitchen for some reason.

'Oh gosh no, no kids for me , Yuki is my dog , she is an old girl , I adopted her back home and she is a little pomeranian with a big attitude !' Hobi laughed in response.

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