Chapter 5 - Sparkling

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The food was always the part that everyone looked forward to , it was crafted to perfection every year by me, and became even more important to me since becoming a Mother.

I would always remeber those days before finding my life, at how I would struggle to feed myself and I would try and learn how to make very little food go a long way, so now sitting and seeing the little family I have, enjoy all the food meant the world to me in more ways than I could understand.

I didn't mind the prospect of washing up, it was something I always enjoyed, I guess maybe I would envision things I didnt like in life being washed away and part praying that it was that easy in real life.

But alas it wasn't.


'Mama I finished all my tay-toes' Aera yelled from her little section of the table, her little chubbyy cheeky adorned with gravy specks smiled with pride.

'Well done Bella !' Ella said and clapped to which Aera would just smile further.

'Uncle Charlie said they make my cheeks all funny !' Aera said and giggled over at her surrogate Uncle.

'Oh for goodness sake !' I laughed as I saw the man child next to me sitting with his potatoes sticking in his cheeks like a hamster that had stored two golf balls with pride.

'Hmmppfff yeah.....pfffff' Charlie tried to mouth with me and Ella just looking and praying that it didnt started raining little potatoe dumplings, all the time Aera giggled.

'Sorry Charles.....not a clue mate....but I am guessing you are volunteering to wash up ?' I said sarcastically and just picked up my wine glass and swished its contents.

'Haha she has got you there baby !' Ella said proudly as she sat back and almost mirrored my actions and all the time Charlie's eyes showing his nerves that maybe this plan to make my Daughter laugh was truly unravelling before him.

Aera just giggled , giggled at this over 6 ft man mountain, who looked so out of place visually but was the biggest softest and kindest man towards my daughter , with the exception of what I think Namjoon would have been like, and I know in my heart and his silent voice that I somehow seemed to hear in my head , would really like him.

Charlies poor brow sweated slightly as he managed to chew and swallow in quick succession.

'Well I won't be doing that again' Charlie sighed and took a deep breath as if he could feel the potatoes reaching their destination and causing some heart burn ahead of time.

'Mama I have finished my Din Din's can I go and play with Mi Mi and Flingo now ?' Aera said , her eyes all hopeful that I would agree to add water to the shitting wonder and him fulfilling his fecal destiny.

'Can you put your plate and cup on the stool so Mama remembers to wash it ?' I said as my eyes led to the little stool type high stepper thing I had against the counter which Aera has used as she grew to be able to stand with me when I cooked, much like the memories I had of me and My Nonna doing the same.

Aera just nodded and her little pigtails swayed in the movement and she took one of the napkins and rubbed with some success at the gravy on her chin and she slid down from her chair and let Ella gently hand her little plastic plate with Nemo on it and her little cup with handles in her other arm.

'Good girl !' Charlie said as Aera walked back towards him , her eyes beaming with pride , and they did the sweetest little high five with each other as she then went to living room and wriggled her way onto the sofa and hit the google assist button and spoke to the tv to find the programmes she wanted.

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