Chapter 3 - Toad

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I knew it would be inevitable today , that the work bane of my life would grace my little corner office and lower the tone just before I was due to leave for Christmas.

Fran was always a good fielder,, even if she had left for the day, she often deflected him from coming into my office and I paid her in kind with coffee and weird crossword puzzles I found which were the very foundations of her lunch breaks.

It had been a hell of an adjustment period for me these last 4 years, learning how to be a human being in amongst human beings when I had been so used to hiding away, to learning to grieve him but never fully ever accomplishing it, to having a to keep a small human alive and with me, to being a Mother and falling into step with this role I never ever dreamed of and never thought life would give me a gift, but even that gift came with a price.

Every day I miss him, but I think that's a given, when a piece of your soul dies, you miss it and you don't try to fill it again, or do you?, Shit I don't know , I know Namjoon would probably be having a stern talk with me about not pausing my life on him, letting love end on him.

I mean he took a risk, he gave up on love after losing Jimin, and he had to learn to love again, and I'd give anything to hear those sweet lips say they love me again.

 I only ever heard it in one moment, but that was both our fault, I regret that, I wish I could have told him it more, because maybe fate was sealed with or without those words, I don't know and I can guarantee I have driven myself seven different types of mad since the day he died.

I guess I still have a lot of learning to do and I have to listen to him in my head , even if I can never decide if it's really him in there.

But with every great inner monologe, it's always unceremoniously broken by....................

'KATERINA!' A loathsome 50 something year old man summoned as he came into my office unannounced.

'Trevor......its Katalina!' I said as I took a deep breath and sat back in my chair waiting for every kind of bile to come out of him.

He just stood there, in his mismatched designer suit and trousers, his garish gold earring and various pendants adorning, his overly bad tanned chest , which was always vomit inducingly peaking through his shirt as if he was allergic to his top buttons and don't get me started on the cologne that was splashed about like he was fucking baptised in it.

'Whatever !......Now I need you to book me a hotel for this week would seem the hired help has left for the day!!' Trevor oozed and snapped his fingers and then gritted his teeth, as it I was some minature schnauzer that would bring him his slippers.

' Number  1 Trevor, it's Christmas and I am pretty sure everyone has left because the business is closed......and Number 2 I am pretty sure you can turn on a computer and do it yourself'! I said partially rolling my eyes when he wasn't locking but instead his fake leather boots clicked their way along the floor, I was also about half a second away from putting on my desk fan before I gagged on the cologne smell.

'Well .....this is for me to ask you to do, you do anything for your job right ?' Trevor uttered as his direction changed into the way of my desk.

'Again Trevor, you are not my boss .....and I am so not sorry, but I am kind of busy trying to get this done so I can get home!' I said gesturing over the various documents I still had to scan.

'Well multi task......even as a Woman I'm guessing after a few attempts you could do it?' Trevor moaned and then asininely grinned.

'hmmmm fresh sexism for Christmas always know just the right gift !' I posed back , never giving this ogre an inch, but still ever wanting to staple his ballsack to the counter to raptous applause from the other women in the company, and possibly some of the guys too.

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