Chapter 27 - Pamper to you

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I would never have thought today would be happening as everyone I had considered was working, but it was going to be an interesting day, a day where I would either be laughing until I peed or I would be rolling my eyes and wanting to pull my hair out.

He was a grown man, a very tall, slightly hairy grown man, but he was a child at heart, the Cheese to the Pickle, the Eggs to the Bacon, the best of the best when it came to my Daughter, he was Uncle Charlie, the man the myth and the dorky legend, and today he and I were going out for the day.

I had been given some pamper day vouchers for the local spa and everyone else couldn't make it, but Charlie had caught wind of my conversation with Ella and his ears couldn't stop listening.

Turning 40 sure was going to be interesting and I was just going with the flow at this point.

In the absence of Aera's father, Charlie was the man I would pick to take care of her if anything happened to me, which lets face it had a higher probability of happening given how many bullets my life had thrown at me and so far I had managed to dodge them and eventually I would catch one and probably bleed out alone, but I know she would be safe and loved, perhaps better than I could ever do it.

And I always felt in my soul that when the time came, I wasn't going to end up in the place of peace that Aera's Father ended up, so much of my life had been pain and I guess that the price I would often pay so I could of had the love of him and I got be her Mother.


'BEEP BEEEEEEP!!' Charlie blasted with his car horn, determined to turn me rouge with embarassment as he pulled up to collect me in his car, and made sure to almost scare the piss out of some elderly ladies walking past and then clocking his bearded and tattooed frame sitting in the drivers seat.

'Fuck sake!' I muttered under my breath as I got into the car rolling my eyes upon entry only to be met by that fluffy but endearing smile.

'God I am excited ....I have been telling all the dudes on the group chat!' Charlie beemed as he wiggled in his seat and let me put my seatbelt on.

'Charles....I am pretty sure we left the word dude in the 90s!' I smiled and laughed.

'And I am pretty sure they would say I left my balls on the bedside table too today!' Charlie joked back with an air of no fucks given at all.

'Well it was either you or some random person from work.....and well.....yeah...!'I answered.

'I'm gonna get the works, I'm gonna get pruned in places I didn't know I could be!' Charlied responded.

'You do realise this is a spa and not a garden centre dude?' I answered.

'Oh well hello to you 1990's!' Charlie sarcastically said.

'You are such a dick!' I laughed.

'And proud of it! ' Charlie beamed as we pulled away and he wore the shitty grin as always with pride.


'Hi It's Miss Katalina Truva-Kim and plus one please' I said to the receptionist who seemed a litte perturbed by the fluffy tall man behind me who seemed in awe of all the creams and potions and lotions on the display in the reception entrance and seemed to be more interested in skin care than those who worked there.

'Ah yes have full access to the spa facilties and you have one of our private rooms rented to for treatments, so if you and your husband....' The reception uttered before being stopped in her tracks.

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