Chapter 12 - 4 Candles Incoming

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It was raining, it seemed to always rain alot in February, I don't know maybe it was my heart aching during the month of love, and the feelings that sat in the base of my heart remembering how alone I felt in the months before I gave birth to Aera, but for the last 4 years, she was a little candle of light in the sea of sadness that could take me away sometimes.

4 years old?... How is she so old and such a baby all at the same time, how are we so far away from where we starte yet all too slow at the same time?.

Every day she seems to do something new, or ask something I don't know how to answer and I worry I won't be able to keep up with the passage of time and I always worry about losing her, it never made sense but it was the nightmares that forced me into the hot shower to feel something other than sheer panic that made me feel like that.

But this year was going to be different, we have such a nice little world we had built and we had added to it with the inclusion of Hobi and little Yuki, who we visited a few days ago and it was going to be Aera's favourite topic to discuss all the time and made me think seriously about having a pet , maybe she could learn love like I did, when it was unexpected and just there in front of you, but all things in time I guess.


'Kat ....girl you are going to love me !' Fran said as she came into my office in a flutter of excitement.

'Don't tell me....we got that Coffee again .....or Goad the Toad has finally choked on his own dick ?' I said really hoping it was the latter.

'Kat ......he could never fit that tiny thing in there !' Fran chortled back at me and I was shocked t how good her comidic timing was getting and well....she wasn't wrong........tiny useless man and well maybe it extended downwards too.

'So go on suprise me ..... Its a wednesday and well....go ?' I said as I locked my screen and grabbed a few malteasers and popped them in my mouth.

'I got the place....the pottery place....turns out a friend knows the manager and well.....if you want it for her birthday's yours!' Fran said , her eyes sparkling with glee knowing that this really would make my day.

'You are shitting me for real......I thought they had a huge waiting list ?' I said, my mum excitement seeping out of my face and me not caring to hide it.

'They had a cancellation due to the main guests getting chicken pox whilst they were on holiday and well....they can't come back until they are all in the clear and they have space and I got talking and said my friend's Kid was turning 4 ......and well.....just pay me in a nice sandwich from that place down the road from here and we call it even !' Fran said as she came and took some sweets from my desk too knowing I always shared the good ones with her.

'Fran I could bloody kiss you !' I smiled as I leaned forward and knew that my little girl was going to burst about this pottery play place every single kid around was talking about.

'Well you do need to get some action.....Ella said....' Fran rolled her eyes joking and laughed.

'Oh don't you start on that!..apart from my kids birthday and well a friends birthday on the same day....I am officially allergic to Febuary antics!' I said, trying once more to cut this kind of conversation down.

'You only hate it because we are right!' Fran posed back.

'I swear I am going to throw this candy bag at you!' I joked back.

'Well this friend......a 'friend' ?' Fran responded realising I hadn't elaborated on that point.

'Hobi...the guy you met at New Years, he and Aera have the same birthday!' I answered.

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