Chapter 10 - Swim and Afloat

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He was always a pain at work, the stinking thorn that made you grimace during a work day and an odour that you could smell before you saw it.

We were a start up that had gone from strength to strength in just a few years, when the explosion of online authors and writers seemed to erupt like a creative firework display.

Writing was always an escape for me, I had been putting ink to pages for years before Namjoon, and in the years since he died to, and even then pages about the monsters that were killed but still lived on in the Post Traumatic Stress Disorder I could never shake and never wanted.

Part of me wanted to document his every moment so he wouldn't be forgotten and the crazy story of of Aera's Father could sound alot less fiction when it was all very real.

I had found my own little niche here, a company which took a chance on those who needed it , headed by several benefactors and helping writers and those who had a creative flare get ahead.

I had written a story as we all know that was found by one of Ella's friends who was aware of Purple publishing, and looking back I guess it was theft in its purest form but it changed me tide and helped me find a new chapter of myself and found that I could use my empathy for others and I found that I could step into an editor role , and train on the job and provide for my daughter.

But Trevor was the bad seed here, I guess every company has one , someone to gossip about by the Water Tower but some one who deserved every word spoken about him.

He was life long friend of one of the owners, he was a phenominal photographer, which always baffled me, I mean how could someone who was so stale and spiteful, see such beauty in the pictures he took.

His photos and edits where everywhere in the company and it did nothing but drive his ego up and make him feel like some overlord over us 'Charity cases' as he deemed it.

But little did he know, I had fought ego's, I had fought real bad guys, bad guys who had touched me and took what wasn't theres , bad guys like Taehyung who had tried to end me with his blows that delivered me to unconciousness, I had seen evil smile through the darkness so I knew I had th strength to always beat this guy, he was just a pathetic snake wanting to get under people's skin.

He would never get my name right, but Goad the Toad would get his day, I had to believe that.

I had been here almost 3 years, a good job with a good way under me, a legacy I could work on and give my daughter, when in reality just a blink of an eye ago, I was a depressed single Mother living in Ella's back room, which I couldn't stay in as they were fixing up a house at that time and it wasn't condusive for me to live in and to be honest I had always been too much of a free spirit and was stubbornly independant and I wanted it to be just me and Aera and no one doing it for me, not realising in my own depression that help in the form of real love wasn't a bad thing.

Me and Aera got housed in a studio flat by the local authorities and it wasn't much but it was home, it was sanctuary and we made it work, and each night I would promise her that I would get her what she deserved, and every night when I placed her to sleep in my small cupboard I had fashioned into a small albeit slightly illegal bedroom, I swore I would keep going and I would do her and her daddy proud, even if I always felt like a failure and would whisper apologies to her when she slept for things I felt I didn't do for her and spent many a dark night convincing myself that something would take this pure love away from me and that I didn't deserve love, even though the greatest love I had ever had to that point, was the reason she was here.

Even in the nights that we both cried and screamed into the night, I kept putting a foot foward, I wanted to be the parent mine never were, a Mother like Namjoon's mother, broken but the strongest woman I think I had ever known about and my little girl was her legacy and namesake.

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