Chapter 4 - Yuletide

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Trying to keep a child under control under the Christmas period always needs a medal , navigating all the bells and whistles and ample amounts of sugar are always going to make things a little interesting.

The days had passed and it was finally Christmas morning and as I laid in my bed with my fluffy duvet over me , I looked over and smiled at Namjoon and I's photo on my bedside table, and I knew he would always be a gift to me, even if I didn't get to keep him forever, he left me with one I could.

I had let her stay up late last night in the strategic hope that she would stay asleep until a reasonable hour so we could both benefit from a later morning.

It did mean that I was tip toeing around my home in the very early hours and placing santa's treasures in place and praying that none of my older floorboards creaked and ruined the illusion for my sleeping angel.

It was 7.15am and so far so good , it seemed the plan was working as the house was so quiet.

In my head I just played over and over again the one christmas morning I got with Namjoon and let the memories flood my mind once more.


Flashback - Namjoon and Kat Christmas Day 25th December   - Their only Christmas

'Baaaaaby....why do I have to keep my hands over my  eyes ?' I yelled as I could hear Namjoon crashing about in my bathroom and Yoongi oddly pawing at the door wanting to see what all the fuss was about.

'Jagi....I swear it will be worth it , now just lay back and think of me whilst .....i.......Yeah ....??' Namjoon laughed back in response and I heard him topple and crash into the bath tub and then curse at himself in Korean, followed me by me laughing and shaking my head.

'Joonie......come on ....before I have to remodel that room!' I laugh as I stay sitting up and kick my naked legs in excitement.

I hear the door creak and yoongi hiss and grunt at Namjoon and him huff and puff as he shuffles out the bathroom.

'Ok Jagi....Open your eyes'! Namjoon said and I could almost hear his smile and dimples erupt from his face.

'Oh........My.......God !!!' I say mouth as wide open as it will get because I cannot unsee what is in front of me.

'Well........I am Santa and I am here to deliver and empty my sack !!' Namjoon said hamming it up in a fake beard, santa hat and red fluffy trousers, his blonde locks poking out the base of his hat and his abs all oily, but me sitting there trying to figure out what he used.

I sat and laughed, it was cute and fucking hilarious at the same time .

'What .....why are you laughing?' Namjoon said cocking his head to the side slightly and his eyebrows dancing in confusion under the brow of the fluffy hat.

'Sorry baby........but this is so funny......I always had an aversion to Santa but now all I want to do is sit on his knee!' I smiled back to which Namjoon smiled , his eyes glowing in response and he crouched down next to me in bed.

'Well are you going to help Santa unload his sack, I'm quiet heavy'!! Namjoon said putting on a fake santa voice that was both creepy and adorable in equal measure.

'Oh is it now , where ever will you put those gifts?' I said looking seductively and  contemplating how I can get Santa undressed and then laughing in my head that I never thought I would say that sentence in my life.

'Well ....I figured  I would travel up your little Chimney and eat those cookies on the way in'? Namjoon said as he leaned over me guiding me back to lay down , his fake beard tickling me on the neck as he tried to etch those words on my neck.

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