Chapter 18 - Water World

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Well the week had come to an end and as always I always got at every weekend off, except when it was the run up the Christmas break or the occasional showcase, but I loved the weekends, it would always be just me and Aera.

She was the social butterfly at Nursery and it always warmed my heart to know she had a million friends, she was a world apart from who I was at 7 when we moved to the Uk and I was the strange little girl sitting in the corner of the playground unable to speak alot of english and having 4 oldr Brother's who didn't want to spend time with me in the playground.

Weekend's were my domain, it was a time that Ella and Charlie could just be themselves and I loved ever exhausting minute of my beautiful 4 year old daughter and her million questions.

Mornings were always beautiful chaos but I wouldn't change it.


'Gracey baby......please put your bunny slipper back on!' I said and saw Aera's little fluffy head pop over the back of the couch.

'Sorry Mama....he keeps falling off my feets' Aera giggled and she reached up to take the slipper from my hand and fiddled and put it in her foot after a few tries.

'You look very comfy there baby' I smiled and just leaned on the back of the couch.

'I've got Mi-Mi, Flingo and my dolly ......and ....and Mama.......?' Aera said her eyes all big yet still having sleepy vibes lingering in them.

I hit the button without question, knowing this question like the back of my hand.

Aera clapped and wriggled more under her blanket and seemed to cheer along her toys as those infamous credits rolled.

'Thank you Mama!' Aera yelled as I walked back towards the kitchen Island and just cringed as the opening scenes of Finding Nemo played on the tv above the fake fire place for the 1,306 time in Aera's life time, and I just resolved myself to this unwelcome house guest always being present on my tv.

'Aera you want some Eggy's for breakfast?' I said as I gently sipped my lemon water.

All I could see was her little fluffy tufts of hair wave as she nodded, eyes still glued on the movie.

'Yes please Mama.....can I have the nemo colour bit all wobbly please?' Aera said sweetly, whilst hugging Mi-Mi the ducky that little bit closer as she sunk further into the blanket she was under.

'Of course baby' I smiled and shook my head, as well....that bloody fish mentioned again...but heck at least it is teaching her a colour?.

Eggs in the pan and a brew of Coffee bubbling away in the machine behind me, and just beautiful fish filled peace was the start to my day.

'RING RING RING!!' My phone erupted and half scared me more awake.

'Well hello on a saturday ?' I said knowing how it was.

'Hi Kat, Hope I didn't wake you up?' I heard Hobi's voice say on the other side.

'No, its all good just a lazy Saturday with your little friend, she is currently on the couch and I am cooking eggs....all rock and roll here !' I said smiling and holding the phone in place whilst also trying to make sure the eggs didn't burn.

'Well....there is reason behind me call......are you and the princess busy today?' Hobi said and peaked my interest.

'Not really just slow morning and then see where the day takes us?' I said as I answered.

'Well....and feel free to say no as it's short notice, but I would like to take you and Aera out for the day, if you would like.....I mean I owe her for missing her birthday party ?' Hobi said and waited for a reply.

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