Chapter 7 - Auld Langs Syne

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The year end had arrived and this year seemed like it had flown by like a concord plane, but it was a big year.

Aera had grown into a proper little person, she was almost 4 and the big decisions I would start to make for her where starting, as in a few weeks I would find out if she was for certain staying at her school past nursery, but in truth I had no doubt about it.

She learned more about herself this year, she had started asking the questions I suppose every parent gets, she wanted to know about family, she wanted to know about ages and she was also noticing more and more that her and I did not look alike.

She noticed she didnt look like Me or her Aunty Ella and she would ask me questions using her Daddy and Uncle Jimin's pictures and I always tried my best to answer what I could, but it was no comparision to what she got from Hobi when we finally all met up just a few months ago.

He seemed to take a weight off of her, she peppered him with questions that day, she noticed he had eyes like hers and she saw many people that looked like her in Korea and it was almost as if she knew she was connected to Korea now she had seen it in person.

She was half Italian , born in the uk by me but that Korean side of her, her father, was always a page I tried to help her write.


'It is a new year tomorrow baby !' I said as Aera helped me put out snacks on our Living room table, every so often sneaking one for herself.

'What does that mean Mama?' Aera said doing that cute side nod with her head that made her pig tails bounce when she was curious about something.

'Well it means that we go forward one year , and we start at January again, and each year we get a little older.....remember you are going to be 4 in 2 months, in Feburary' I said and Aera nodded along , still convinced I couldn't see her sneak snacks and many not making it to the plate.

'I be a big girl!' Aera sang and twirled and I just giggled, knowing that hopefully only good things where on their way,

I had gone a little crazy with the decorations, but heck who cares, we were our own little family with some great friends and this was a new year in this home I had built from scratch.

It was going to be a perfect evening , with only one thing missing, one thing that was always missing, A kiss from Namjoon when the clock struck midnight and the wishes we could make, but I would just settle for the equal best thing ......a Hug from Aera, now this was the first year that she stood a chance of staying awake for the big ben tolls.

'PING PING' my phone sounded and jumped along the table like a dancing beetle , which made Aera chuckle, and she grabbed it and gave it to me.

I opened it and she saw the smile immediately.

'BO BO!!!' Aera squealed when I handed the phone back to her and she saw Hobi's largeg grin and Yuki sitting in his lap.

'Mama what do to the words say ?' Aera said as she held the phone up to me, so I crouched down and squinted to read the tiny words on the device in my daughter's wobbly excited hand.

'To Prince Aera and Queen Kat, Happy new year ,Hope it brings suprises and happiness and I looked forward to seeing you again. Much love Hobi and Yuki' I read.

'I wish Bo Bo was here Mama, he can have cake and Pizza then !' Aera smiled , her face a little sad as she was growing to understand that her friend Bo Bo, lived the other side of the world.

'I know baby, anyways shall we go and sit at Mama's computer and order the pizza's for tonight ?' I said as I softly held her hands and just graced them with my thumbs to sooth her obvious disappointment.

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