Chapter 19 - Tip Toe

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I would love to know where Aera got her energy from, she was like a wind up toy that never ran low and she was like a happy ball of excitement who was always inquisitive.

I needed today, I need to feel normal, I needed to have some fun times and despite having some really good friends, it was nice to have Hobi around as he knew everything, he knew what to say to Aera when she asked questions I couldn't answer and I feel good knowing I had the power to forgive him.


'Ok baby go and take your shoes off and wash your hands and Mama will put this away?' I said to my little lady as she bounced into our apartment, reading to watch Nemo again after seeing real ones in the fins today.

'Is Bo Bo coming Mama?' Aera stopped and tugged the side of my t-shirt, worried her best friend of the day wasn't keeping his promise.

'Yes Gracey baby, he is just parking his car and getting a sticker for his window as he doesn't live here, so he has to put some pennies in a machine for a ticket remember, like Uncle Charlie does when he drives here?' I explained and could see my Daughter's mind figuring it out.

'OK Mama .......he is my best friend! ' Aera said confidently and went bouncing off down the hallway after her shoes were taken off and put in the little pink box we had by the door for her many shoes.

'Right Coffee' I said rubbing my hands together for my caffeine fix as I was seriously flagging after a long day out, and just needing a pick me up.

'KNOCK KNOCK' I heard rattling on the door.

'Oh shoot ....coming !' I said realising the catch wasn't on and I had effectively locked Hobi outside.

'It's ok, keeps the cold out I suppose?' Hobi said smiling as I opened the door and he came indoors and took his shoes off.

'Well can I interest you in a Coffee?' I said offering to take his coat, but Hobi just shook his head and hung it up himself and smiled.

'Well those magic words...lead the way'!Hobi said as he followed me into the living room and I went to check the kettle.

'Make yourself comfortable....she is off washing her hands and then no doubt she is going to torment you with Nemo!' I joked and Hobi nodded bracing himself for what I went through almost every day.

'Well I sure have learned alot do you do it Kat?' Hobi joked.

'Oh you mean keep up with her?.....lots and lots of Coffee !' I said as I poured the next portion.

'She is so much fun, but wow I will sleep tonight !' Hobi smiled in response.

'Well after 4 years I am used to coping on so little sleep, It may make me look like shit half the time, but she is worth it!' I said as I poured a cup.

'Reminds me of my Mother, me and my sister used to run rings around her!' Hobi answered .

'Shame I can't say the same things about my parents?' I said and then shaking my head knowing I was always an inconvenience rather than a blessing to them.

'Well do a great job....and no you don't look like shit.......' Hobi said as I handed him a cup of Coffee and sat down resting my legs from the day.

'It's just tough doing it on my own......single parenting isn't all roses and sunflowers.....its alot of tears, tantrums, and worries that I am not doing it right and I am letting her Father down' I said holding my cup in my hands and lightly rocking it to stir the contents.

'I am sure he wouldn't think that' Hobi said softly trying to reassure me.

' No one knows....but you have to say that because you are my friend?' I looked up and softly smiled.

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