Chapter 2

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On your way home from your first day of work as a bonafide lawyer, you decide to give your best friend Owen a call.


Owen replies, "Hey Toots, what's up? How was your first day on the job?"

"Oh my God! I had like the worst fucking morning ever. But everything turned out fairly okay, so I can't complain."

"What happened?"

You tell Owen all about your harrowing morning commute and subsequently discovering that the driver of the car you hit was one of the partners at your new firm, and the said man taking you out to lunch, and the fact that you are going to have to pay handsomely for the repair of this man's vehicle.

You say, "Yup. I had a lot of ups and downs today. That's for sure. But I've got to tell you, for a split second, I thought the guy I hit was making eyes at me. Alas, it turns out he has a girlfriend. So, there goes that."

Owen replies, "Well, Darlin, you don't want to shit where you eat anyway."

"I know. That's exactly what I told myself too."

"And remember Finn?"

"Jesus Christ, yes... how can I forget Finn?"

Finn was someone that you dated briefly, against great trepidation from Owen's part. It was the second semester of your junior year in college. You had started working for a local law firm as a data entry/file clerk. He was one of the attorneys that worked there and was always very considerate and sweet to you from day one. About six months into working at the firm, Finn asked you out to dinner. Because he had been so nice and you two became friendly during that time, you really didn't see a problem with going out to dinner. But Owen told you, "You really shouldn't date someone you work with. What if you two had to end things but had to continue to work together? It can get super awkward." You didn't think that a single dinner would lead to a relationship and that Owen was overreacting.

Owen was not overreacting. In fact, he was absolutely correct. After that dinner date, you and Finn dated for about five months. Towards the end of the relationship, Finn started getting a bit too possessive and even manipulative. So, you decided to be an adult and end the relationship with no hard feelings. Unfortunately, Finn had different plans. Finn clearly did not like the fact that you had the audacity to end the relationship and he made things difficult for you every chance he got. You worked for the firm for another 3 months before you had to cut your losses and resign from that position. However, it was not all bad. You learned a valuable lesson about shitting where you eat.

Owen says, "I'm thinking, until you are well established in the firm, you should keep your head down and work. And if you need male companionship, you have me! You don't need a boyfriend. Technically you already have one."

You laugh aloud and say, "Oh yea... that's true. You are a boy and are my friend. So, yes technically I have a 'boy-friend.' I love you so much."

"And don't you forget it, Toots. So, are we still up for this weekend?"

"You bet your ass we are. I need some serious boy-friend/best friend time."

Then you let out an involuntary sigh and say, "But he was really cute."

Owen says, "Listen, I have all the boy parts and they are in perfect working condition. If you need someone to clean out your clock thoroughly, I would be more than happy to volunteer my services. Thus far, I've had zero complaints about my performance, so...."

"OWEN! You are being incredibly fresh right now... and I am kind of digging it."

The two of you share a hearty laugh, then Owen says, "Darlin, I've got to run for now, but I'll talk to you tomorrow. Okay?"

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