Chapter 28

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Wednesday morning, you pack a bag with a plan to go to Owen's apartment for a sleepover. You know that he had planned on going to see another house last night, but after, you didn't hear from him. So, you plan to follow up with him about it tonight.

When you get to work, you have several things that you need to address with every one of your current clients. Jimin was in court most of the day and you don't get to see him. But he texts you several times throughout the day to check in on you.  At the end of the day, you feel quite accomplished because you've addressed all the issues and tasks that you had to complete for your cases and once you complete the timesheet, you head out and text Owen.

Hey Gorgeous,
I'm heading over to you now.
That's okay. Right?

Why are you asking me that?
Of course, that's okay.
I told you; I plan to fuck you every single day until I can't.
Besides, there's something I need to talk to you about tonight anyway.
Hurry the fuck up.
I have the biggest hard-on ever.

Boy, you are spry today.
Okay. I'm getting in pthe car now.
I'll be there within the next half an hour.
See you soon, Babe!

By the time you get to Owen's place, it is little after 6:00 PM. You ring the doorbell, but remember Owen's gripe about you using your key, so you open the door and enter. When you walk in the apartment, all the lights are off and the place is quiet. You think, "Did I beat him here? It sounded like he was already home." You put down your bags and things and walk farther into the apartment. You call out, "Owen, are you home? It is spooky as shit in here. Owen."

Deciding that Owen isn't home yet, you walk over to the light switch for the living room and reach out your hand. But when you do, you feel a big hand grab onto your wrist, scaring the hell out of you. You let out a blood curdling scream that makes Owen burst out in laughter. Owen finally turns the light on and says, "Oh my God, why the hell did you scream so loudly?" then wraps you up in his arms, kissing you all over your face.

You reply, "Because you scared me! What gives?"

"I wanted to maul you in the dark. I had no idea you would scream bloody murder."

"Boy, you are trying to end me, aren't you?"

"No, at least not before Friday. Come on, Darlin. I really missed you. I need to be inside you right now."

"Is there a plan for dinner?"

"Yes, yes.... We can order in. Just C'mon. I've been looking forward to this all-fucking day! I'm still debating if I should let you get sleep tonight or not."

Owen pulls you into the bedroom and starts to systematically strip you out of your clothes. When you are completely bare to him, he tosses you onto the bed and undresses himself. When he climbs on the bed, he is already hard and rearing to go. He settles in between your thighs and says, "Oh God... you are gorgeous. I'm going to get my girl wet."

Owen descends onto your warm sex and works his magic, and with an expert touch, he makes you climax. Seeing you weeping for him now, he mutters, "That's more like it. I've been looking forward to this all day long." He plants a trail of kisses over your soft belly and when he gets up to the valley between your breasts, he lowers his mouth onto one of your nipples and starts to suckle. This coaxes out a languid moan from your lips and a soft, "Oh... God, Owen."

He plants his hands on either side of you and looks down at your face. Then he asks, "Baby girl, are you ready?"

"Yes. Please... fill me up."

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